Save and Edit Your Microsoft Forms Responses


You can now review and change your form or quiz responses after submission, even days later. The response data will be stored in the form creator’s repository.



You can now review and change your form or quiz responses after submission, even days later. The response data will be stored in the form creator’s repository.


Respondents can only view their responses, unless the form creator allows them to edit their response. If the form or the response is removed, the respondent will no longer have access to the response.

  • Save your response.
    • To save your response, make sure that the form creator has selected Allow respondents to save their responses option in the Forms settings.

Forms setting - Allow respondents to save their responses.

  • Submit the form.
  • After submission, click on Save my response to save your response from the thank you page.

Forms setting - Save my response from thank you page.

  • The response will be saved in “Filled forms” section in Microsoft Forms.

Saved responses in Filled forms section.

  • If enabled, you can now edit your response.
  • The form’s creator must select Allow respondents to edit their responses in the Forms settings for the same.

Forms setting - Allow respondents to edit their responses.

  • If enabled, you will have the option to Save my response to edit on the thank you page.

Forms setting - Save my response to edit on thank you page.

Edit response option in Forms.

Note: As long as the form is open, you have the flexibility to revisit the form at any time to edit your answers. However, edits cannot be made once a form has been closed or deleted.



Article ID: 1150
Mon 10/23/23 11:53 AM
Thu 2/27/25 2:50 PM