Organize Planner


Do you have a lot of tasks on your planner? Various due dates, buckets, tasks? Sorting these alone can be a task and time-consuming without the planner's assistance. This KB will share the various ways to organize and sort your planner task.



  1. Open your Microsoft Planner. 
  2. Select the Group plan of your choice. 
  3. On the upper right-hand corner, you will see the following drop-down header options Members, Filter and Group by Bucket.
    • Members – Shows who has access to your planner.
    • Filter – Allows one to filter down their tasks in various ways including Due date, Priority, Progress, Label, Bucket, & Assignment
    • Group Bucket – Allows you to choose how to organize your task.
      • This column header will vary depending on what is selected to organize by.

Planner main screen  

Group Bucket drop-down menu.                                                   

Note: Once you have filtered and or organized your tasks to your choice, Planner will continue to open within the elected settings until you choose a different setting. 



Article ID: 1241
Thu 5/2/24 5:44 PM
Fri 5/3/24 10:03 AM

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