NetID Account Policy


IMPORTANT: These policies outline what you may legally do with your UTD computer account. Misuse of your account could make you subject to criminal prosecution. You can always find the latest version online at

Information Security and Acceptable Use Policy

I understand that my use of UTD Information Systems is conditional upon my agreement to comply with the Information Security and Acceptable Use Policy at Noncompliance may result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the Policy.

I also understand that the Information Security Office is available to provide training and assistance if I have questions about the Policy and can be reached at


Federal law mandates that all users at UTD accept the following agreement regarding the confidentiality of student records.

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act defines an educational official as:

  • a person employed by the institution in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or other support position.
  • a person serving on an institutional governing body.
  • a person employed by, or under contract to, the institution to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor.

Student Academic Information Based onLegitimate Educational Interest

Educational officials are able to access a student’s record if they have a legitimate educational interest.

  • In viewing Enrollment Services or Registrar’s Office scanned images of an applicant/student, I am declaring I have a legitimate educational interest in the applicant/student’s academic record.
  • I understand my access does not include viewing images for applicants/students from another UT-Dallas program or discipline for purposes outside my legitimate educational interest (i.e., recruitment for programs outside my discipline).
  • I will view documents and materials for the specific purpose of admission or resolution of a student-related issue and will not use or re-release acquired information for any other reason.
  • If I do retrieve a student file flagged with a FERPA notation, I realize I may release NO information about this student.



Article ID: 1259
Thu 6/6/24 12:15 PM
Fri 6/21/24 5:01 PM