Pre-Approved Software


Pre-approved software identifies those that do not require review from ISO or OIT in order to procure them. It does not however preclude from existing Purchasing policies. Small purchases can be made through OneCard. Please note that pre-approved software does not absolve the purchaser of accountability for the use of the software.



Pre-approved software identifies those that do not require review from ISO or OIT in order to procure them. It does not however preclude from existing Purchasing policies. Small purchases can be made through OneCard. Please note that pre-approved software does not absolve the purchaser of accountability for the use of the software.

Pre-approved through punch-out on eProcurement using HIED INC

  • AppleCare 
  • Endnote
  • Faronics Deep Freeze 
  • Microsoft Project 
  • Microsoft Visio 
  • Parallels 
  • Symantec Ghost Solution Suite
  • VMware Fusion 
  • VMWare Workstation 


Pre-approved through eProcurement Process

Submit non-catalog requisition, attach your quote and any supporting documents, encumber the requisition for the purchase amount, and select OneCard – Software Review (Vendor ID 0000051232) as vendor and submit through workflow for review and approval to add.

  • Autodesk AutoCAD
  • BoardEx Academic Research DataNorth American Region OnlyAccessed through Wharton Research Data Services
  • Canva
  • Comsol Modules and Addons
  • ContentFul
  • Digital River GmbH/Spec
  • GitHUB
  • Google Colab Pro+
  • GPT-3
  • GraphPad – Prism
  • Institutional Shareholders Services Inc
  • ISS Incentive Lab License + EVA Data
  • Knitro –
  • LinkedIn
  • Mail Chimp per month
  • MineCraft
  • Minitab 21 Stat software
  • Navicat Prem
  • NETS Database
  • Nvivo Transcription
  • Overleaf
  • Panic Inc/Nova app
  • PIT FinancialsCompustat Snapshot Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
  • PowerPoint Addons (macros, animations, and flash may present increased risks and should be reviewed thoroughly)
  • Refinitiv LLC SDC Platinum Renewal
  • SAS
  • SAS 2021 Renewal /per person
  • SAS Faculty and Students Versions
  • Smartsheet
  • Spam Titan Gateway – Cluster
  • StatTransfer
  • TomLab
  • Transcript Dataset via WRDS (1 YR Subscriptions), Term: June 01, 2020 through May 31, 2021
  • Trello
  • Unclutter
  • Univ of Wisconsin SAP Annual Renewal
  • Whatpulse
  • Whiteboard Miro
  • Writelatex



Article ID: 1287
Thu 7/25/24 11:48 AM
Thu 7/25/24 4:49 PM