Manage Sympa Lists


This article provides instructions on how to manage the lists you are subscribed to, and manage the members (Subscribers and Owners) of a Sympa Mailing List.


Table of Contents

Subscribed Lists

Note: The screen will say email address, but you should only enter your NetID as shown in the image.​​​​​​

Sympa login screen.

  • Select My lists, under 'What would you like to do?'

Sympa Home Screen with two tabs - My Lists, Search for list(s).

  •  You can also go to the upper right corner that displays your Name and choose My lists from the drop-down.

Sympa Home Screen with Profile icon selected to display drop-down menu with option My Lists.

  • You can see all the email lists you are a part of and your role in the list, such as a Subscriber/Owner.

My Lists Page

  • If you click on the list, you can unsubscribe or get more information about this list.

Home Page for a selected list with navigation pane showing tabs including subscribe options and unsubscribe.

Manage List Members

Sympa Homescreen with My lists option.

  • Select the List you would like to work on.
    • Lists that you own or administrate will have "Owner" next to them in red text.

Name of list with Owner next to it

  • Select View or Manage Subscribers.
    • Here you can perform various functions from this screen, such as adding subscribers, searching for users, and adding multiple users.
      • Pending subcriptions/unsubcriptions
      • Blocklist
      • Dump will generate a list of all the email addresses on that list in a new window, which can then either be printed out or saved to a file.
      • Add Subscribers
      • Search for a User
      • Manage Archives, etc.
Note: Click the Multiple Add button, under 'To add multiple users:' to bulk-add users using a form.

(Alternatively, consider using a data-source such as SQL or an Active Directory Group).

Option to View or Manage Subscribers.

Manage Owners/Moderators

Sympa Homescreen with My lists option.

  • Select the List you would like to work on.
    • Lists that you own or administrate will have "Owner" next to them in red text.

Name of list with Owner next to it

  • From "List Options" on the left, select the Pencil icon next to Owners or Moderators.
Note: Only Privileged owners can choose or edit owners for the mailing list.

Selected list's member details.

  • Scroll down and enter the new owner or moderators name and UTD email > Apply modifications.
    • If needed, you can also enter private information and select the check boxes to disable their notifications, conceal them from the list-menu.
Need to add a Privileged owner? To promote someone to a privileged owner, please submit a request here or contact the OIT Service Desk.

Screen to add list owners.



Article ID: 17
Mon 11/22/21 1:36 PM
Wed 11/20/24 11:36 AM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Sympa is a mailing list system that is designed to contact small or large groups of internal or external email addresses. Sympa is the supported system for bulk email, meaning any message is destined for more than 500 recipients. OIT still encourages departments sending mass communications to follow the Office of Communications Mass Email Process.