Table of Contents
Note: The screen will say email address, but you should only enter your NetID as shown in the image.

- Select My lists, under 'What would you like to do?'

- You can also go to the upper right corner that displays your Name and choose My lists from the drop-down.

- You can see all the email lists you are a part of and your role in the list, such as a Subscriber/Owner.

- If you click on the list, you can unsubscribe or get more information about this list.

- Select the List you would like to work on.
- Lists that you own or administrate will have "Owner" next to them in red text.

- Select View or Manage Subscribers.
- Here you can perform various functions from this screen, such as adding subscribers, searching for users, and adding multiple users.
- Pending subcriptions/unsubcriptions
- Blocklist
- Dump will generate a list of all the email addresses on that list in a new window, which can then either be printed out or saved to a file.
- Add Subscribers
- Search for a User
- Manage Archives, etc.
Note: Click the Multiple Add button, under 'To add multiple users:' to bulk-add users using a form.
(Alternatively, consider using a data-source such as SQL or an Active Directory Group).

- Select the List you would like to work on.
- Lists that you own or administrate will have "Owner" next to them in red text.

- From "List Options" on the left, select the Pencil icon next to Owners or Moderators.
Note: Only Privileged owners can choose or edit owners for the mailing list.

- Scroll down and enter the new owner or moderators name and UTD email > Apply modifications.
- If needed, you can also enter private information and select the check boxes to disable their notifications, conceal them from the list-menu.
Need to add a Privileged owner? To promote someone to a privileged owner, please submit a request
here or contact the
OIT Service Desk.