Microsoft Automated Meeting Shortener


Microsoft has released a feature that makes it easy for you to make meetings end a few minutes early or start them a few minutes late. This feature can help build in travel time between events or buffer time. You can choose a different duration for events under one hour and over one hour.



Microsoft has released a feature that makes it easy for you to make meetings end a few minutes early or start them a few minutes later. This feature can help build in travel time between events or buffer time. You can choose a different duration for events under one hour and over one hour.


Email Setup (Classic Outlook)

  1. Go to File > Option > Calendar > Calendar options.
  2. Check the Shorten appointments and meetings check-box. In the drop-down menu, select End early or Start late.
  3. Once those selections are made, use the drop-down to set how early the meeting will start or how early the meeting will end.
  4. Click Ok after your selection.

Email Setup (New Outlook)

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar > Events and invitations.
  2. Check the Shorten duration for all events check-box. In the drop-down menu, select End events early or Start events late.

Note: Once these settings are made, they will be used across all the Outlook platforms.



Article ID: 888
Tue 8/2/22 2:47 PM
Thu 2/20/25 2:41 PM