Service Category Lookup

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Research Support / Administrative Desktop Support
College and Department Specific Services / Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology / Bass Business/Administrative Services
Infrastructure / Release Engagement
Teaching and Learning / Academic Technology and Support
College and Department Specific Services / Jindal School of Management / Academic Technology and Support
Security and Access / Access Management
Administrative and Business
College and Department Specific Services / Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology / Bass Business/Administrative Services / Cost Center / Financial Management / Bass Revenue and Invoicing
College and Department Specific Services / Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology / Bass Technology Support / Bass School Access Request
College and Department Specific Services / Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology / Bass Business/Administrative Services / Bass Procurement / Bass Travel and Travel Related Requests
Administrative and Business / Business Capability and Process Automation
Network Connectivity / Campus Wired Network
College and Department Specific Services / Natural Sciences and Mathematics / Chemistry and Biochemistry
Infrastructure / Cloud Infrastructure
Research Support / Data Management
Cyberinfrastructure and Research Computing Services / Departmental Support
College and Department Specific Services / Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology / Bass Business/Administrative Services / Facilities
Safety Promotion & Risk Assurance / Hazardous Waste / Universal Waste Material
Communication and Collaboration / Microsoft 365 Applications
College and Department Specific Services / Student Affairs