Sponsor Approval Guidelines


This article shows the guidelines of different sponsor's approval.


Sponsor       NCE Pre-Award Subcontracts PI Status Rebudgeting
NSF                                                                One time extension for up to 12 months may be approved institutionally. NSF must be notified with supporting reasons no later than 10 days prior to expiration date. Pre-award costs may be approved institutionally for cost incurred within 90 days preceding the effective date NSF prior approval required for subcontracts not included in the approved budget. NSF prior approval is required for change of PI, absence of PI for 3 months or more or reduction of PI effort by 25% or more. NSF prior approval is required for reallocation of funds budgeted for participant or trainee support costs.
NIH                                                            One time extension for up to 12 months may be approved institutionally. NIH must be notified with supporting reasons no later than 10 days prior to expiration date. Pre-award costs may be approved institutionally for cost incurred within 90 days preceding the effective date NIH prior approval required for subcontracts not included in the approved budget only if transfer would be to foreign component or result in change of scope. NIH prior approval is required for change of PI, absence of PI for 3 months or more or reduction of PI effort by 25% or more. NIH prior approval required when expenditures in a direct cost category increase/decrease by more than 25% of the total award (N/A to modular grants).
NASA                                                                                                            One time extension for up to 12 months may be approved institutionally. NASA must be notified with supporting reasons no later than 10 days prior to expiration date. Pre-award costs may be approved institutionally for cost incurred within 90 days preceding the effective date NASA prior approval is required for all subcontracts greater than $100,000 not included in the approved budget. Subcontracts of $100,000 or less not included in the approved budget may be approved institutionally. NASA prior approval is required for change of PI, absence of PI for 3 months or more or reduction of PI effort by 25% or more. Per award terms.
ONR                                                                            ONR prior approval is required. Pre-award costs may be approved institutionally for cost incurred within 90 days preceding the effective date AFOSR/AFRL prior approval required for subcontracts not included in the approved budget. ONR prior approval is required for change of PI, absence of PI for 3 months or more. Per award terms.
DOE                                                                              One time extension for up to 12 months may be approved institutionally. DOE must be notified with supporting reasons no later than 10 days prior to expiration date. Pre-award costs may be approved institutionally for cost incurred within 90 days preceding the effective date DOE prior approval required for subcontracts not included in the approved budget. DOE prior approval is required for change of PI, absence of PI for 3 months or more or reduction of PI effort by 25% or more. Per award terms.

Issued: June 2015



Article ID: 1026
Mon 1/23/23 10:26 AM
Mon 3/27/23 10:58 AM

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