Bass - Games & Media Library Rules

Basic Room Rules

While in the GML please respect the following rules:

  • There is no food or open drinks allowed in the GML
  • The GML exists to give students access to classic, out of print, and/or older games and media.  It is not a space for studying or doing homework
  • Keep the volume of your games at a respectful level for others in the room 


Using the Games and Consoles

Students may check out any games, books, and other support items by request from the Support Technician. Games must stay in the GML and cannot leave the room. Students should not touch or interact with the systems on display. A Support Technician will set up systems and games. Additionally, students should not open the game cabinets to either get a game or view games, but ask a Support Technician for assistance. A complete list of the games and media available in the GML can be found here, or by scanning the QR code on the door at the entrance.  Support techs are also responsible for retrieving the board games from the cabinets on request.


Personal Games and Equipment

Students are allowed to bring their own equipment and games for use in the GML.  When doing so, please make sure to inform the Support Tech on shift of the personal equipment on entry to ensure that the equipment is not mistaken as property of the GML.  Students may also log into and install games from their Steam Library on the machines in the lab.  Steam accounts will stay logged in between users, so if a student uses their own Steam account they must log out of it when they are finished using the machine.


Article ID: 1050
Wed 3/1/23 5:33 PM
Wed 8/23/23 12:19 PM