Table of Contents
- Log in to PEARL (Portal for Enterprise Access Request Library) formerly eCAT, using your UTD credentials.
- Select Computer Access under "Access Requests (Existing Users)."

- Lookup the user needing access by their Name, NetID or UTD ID.
- Select the User name > Next.

- Select Tech Experience & Innovation (102030)from the drop-down menu > Next.

- Set the "Sponsor of the User" to Noorali Mohammed, "Usertype" as UTD Student Employment Limited and "Service Level" as Standard.

- Under "IT Resources," select Add Resource(s) to User for "What action will be required?" and type New Emerging Tech Student Employee as the "Justification for this Request."

- Select Exchange Distribution List, Help Desk AD groupd- all students: TCSHDStudents, Update and type the following in the text box: NetIDPlus, UTDtech, AllowedToCreateGroupsV2, ADTelephonyAdmins, bookingslicensegroup, netidplus, m365students, oitemployees, utdtech, teamsclientpreview

- Select Miscellaneous and check the box for "Teams Admin Center Teams Call Quality access

- Select Security Group Membership and type the following in the text box: TCSHelpDesk, NetIDPlus, UTDtech, confluence-users, ADTelephonyAdmins, AllowedToCreateGroupsV2

- In Other Requests / Comments at the bottom, enter "Teams Communicator Administrator Role for Teams Admin Center" to hammer home that aspect of Teams admin

- Review your selection of resources and set "When should access begin?" as the new student worker’s start date.
- Leave "When should access review end?" as is > Submit.

After this is done, place a ticket in TDX to Desktop team with asset numbers to the new hire laptop and ask them to add this to the Powershell unrestricted list. This gives access to the ability to use scripts via powershell.
- Log in to PEARL (Portal for Enterprise Access Request Library) formerly eCAT, using your UTD credentials.
- Select Door Access under "Access Requests (Existing Users)."

- Lookup the user needing access by their Name, NetID or UTD ID.
- Select the User name > Next.

- Select "Department of the user" as Tech Experience & Innovation (102030)and "Sponsor of the user" as Noorali Mohammed from the drop-down menus > Next.

- Enter the student worker’s Comet Card Number.
Note: This is not their UTD ID. It is printed upside down on the back of the card above the magnetic strip. A longer set of numbers follows a group of 5 or 6 digits. Only the first set of 5 or 6 digits goes in this box.

- Select for Door #1 the following:
- Add
- Building: SP2
- Interior
- Doors: OIT SP2 Student Worker Access
- Days: All
- Times: 7:45am- 5:15pm
- Who processes the door/space being requested? OIT/ TCS
- Who apprvoes the door/space being requested? Tech Experience & Innovation (102030)
- Select Lab: None

- Click on Show Another Door and select the following for Door #2:
- Add
- Building: SU
- Interior
- Doors: 1.202
- Days: All
- Times: 7:45am- 5:15pm
- Who processes the door/space being requested? OIT/ TCS
- Who apprvoes the door/space being requested? Tech Experience & Innovation (102030)
- Select Lab: None

- Type New Emerging Tech Student Employee as "Reason for request."

- Click Next and review the information inputted.
- Select the Students Start Date as the date access should begin and Submit.