The following document outlines the functionalites of REDCap's Data Dictionary and provides a detailed guide on how to efficiently edit it. Utiliziing the Data Dictionary for editing fields offers a convienent method for bulk modifications to data fields across multiple instruments. After accessing the Data Dictionary, all changes should be executed within the downloaded Excel file, and subsequently, the revised file must be uploaded back to REDCap.
Column Details
When editing the Data Dictionary, there are four required columns for each field:
- Column A - Variable Name
This column specifies the name that will be used when data is reported, analyzed, and exported.
- Variable names must be unique
- Variable names cannot begin with a number
- Variable names must consist of ONLY lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores. (Note: If a variable name has spaces, special characters, or uppercase letters, REDCap will automatically change the variable name to fit the accepted conditions.)
- The first variable on the first form should always be a record identifier.

- Column B - Form Name
This column specifies which data instrument the variable will be grouped to.
- Form names must consist of only lowercase letters and underscores.
- If present, REDCap will store a new name that replaces spaces with underscores and all uppercase letters with lowercase letters.
- Form names cannot begin with a number.
- If present, REDCap will store a new name that has the numerical value deleted.
- Form names must be sequential and cannot repeat after being used for another form.

- Column D - Field Type
This column specifies the type of response the variable will receive. There are 11 options :
- text : provides a text box for short text entry
- notes : provides a text box for longer text entry
- calc : allows input of equations to perform calculations using other variables and storing the resulting value into the respective field
- dropdown : provides multiple choice answers in a drop down menu
- radio: provides multiple choice answers in the form of radio buttons
- checkbox: provides a checkbox list which is useful for multiple select answers
- yesno : provides radio buttons labelled 'Yes' or 'No" (Note: The response will be recorded as a 1 [Yes] or 0 [No])
- truefalse: provides radio buttons labelled 'True' or 'False' (Note: The response will be recorded as a 1 [True] or 0 [False])
- file: provides an option for user to upload a file (Note: If Text Validation type in column H is set to 'signature', the user will be able to enter a signature.)
- slider: provides a scale in which participants can use a slider to indicate an answer
- descriptive: provides an option to attach a file, image, or link that might be useful for the participant

- Column E- Field Label
This column specifies the text the user will see when inputting a response. It is usually representative of the field's variable name.

If any of these required columns are blank for a specific field, you will be met with an error message at the time of upload.
All other columns are optional. A description of each is listed below.
- Column C - Section Header
This column is used to separate questions on a form.

- Column F - Choices, Calculations, OR Slider Labels
This column is used to specify response options, calculation equations, or slider labels. (Note: This is required if you are using a field type of Radio, Dropdown, Checkbo, Calculation, or Slider.)
- Dropdown, Radio, and Checkbox field types must specify response options.
- The proper syntax is as follows: "numerical value, Answer Choice 1| numerical value, Answer Choice 2| numerical value, Answer Choice 3|...".
- For calculations, enter the equation needed for calculation.
- Slider field types must specify at least two endpoints and a midpoint can be added if needed.
- The proper syntax is as follows: " end point | middle point | end point"

- Column G - Field Notes
This column is used to provide participants with extra information about the question or field.

- Column H - Text Validation Type OR Show Slider Number
This column is used to validate user input for text fields, such as date or age, for correct format, display the value selected on a slider, OR provide a signature box.
- For text box data fields, the options are listed below.
- email
- integer
- netid
- date_dmy: Date (D-M-Y)
- date_mdy: Date (M-D-Y)
- date_ymd: Date (Y-M-D)
- datetime_dmy: Datetime (D-M-Y H:M)
- datetime_mdy: Datetime (M-D-Y H:M)
- datetime_myd: Datetime (M-Y-D H:M)
- datetime_seconds_myd: Datetime (M-Y-D H:M:S)
- datetime__seconds_mdy: Datetime (M-D-Y H:M:S)
- datetime_seconds_myd: Datetime (M-Y-D H:M:S)
- alpha_only : Letters only
- number: Numbers only
- number_1dp_comma_decimal : Number (1 decimal place - comma as decimal)
- number_1dp : Number (1 decimal place)
- number_2dp_comma_decimal: Number (2 decimal place - comma as decimal)
- number_2dp : Number (2 decimal place)
- number_4dp : Number (4 decimal place)
- number_comma_decimal: Number (comma as decimal)
- phone: Phone number (North America)
- time_hh_mm_ss: Time (HH:MM:SS)
- time: Time (HH:MM)
- zipcode : U.S Zipcode
- For slider field types:
- number : displays value selected on slider
- For file field types:
- signature: provides a signature box
- Column I - Text Validation Min
This column is used to set the minimum date, integer, or number for validation of a field.
- Column J - Text Validation Max
This column is used to set the maximum date range, integer, or number for validation of a field.

- Column K - Identifier?
This column is used to specify if a field is an identifier.
- Any information that is an identifier should be marked with a 'y' in this column.
- Column L - Branching Logic (Show field only if...)
This column is used to control fields that should appear based on answers to previous questions.
- Syntax for radio button field types: [variable] = 'code#'
- Syntax for checkbox field types: [variable(code#)] = '1' for checked or [variable(code#)] = '0' for unchecked
- [variable] refers to the name of the field that must be answered and 'code#' refers to the numerical value of the answer choice that must have been picked.

- Column M - Required Field?
This column is used to specify if a field is required for submission.
- Fields can be marked with a 'y' in this column if an answer is required for submission of the survey.

- Column N - Custom Alignment
This column is used to change text alignment from the default of Right/Vertical to Left/Vertical, Right Horizontal, or Left Horizontal.

- Column O - Questions Number (surveys only)
This column is used to specify a custom numbering scheme.

- Column P - Matrix Group Name
This is used to organize fields into a matrix.