Disposing of UTD Asset Correctly

Devices can retain data even when you think it has been deleted. To ensure no UTD data is contained on your device, consider the following steps.

  1. If leased from an outside vendor, ask the vendor to ensure data is erased from device. The wiping process must be observed by a UTD employee or a certificate of destruction must be provided by the vendor.
  2. If UTD-owned, please request the Help Desk to send a technician to wipe the device or remove the hard drive.
  3. Notify the Information Security Office, who will dispatch a representative to collect the device for physical destruction.

For more information, please visit Info Security's website or email infosecurity@utdallas.edu


Article ID: 594
Thu 1/6/22 3:36 PM
Thu 8/31/23 4:21 PM