JSOM Data & Reports

What Is It?

This is a specialized service provided by the Jindal School of Management that caters to the needs of its stakeholders by offering customized reports and data analysis solutions. This service enables users to request tailor-made reports based on specific requirements and parameters relevant to their academic or administrative needs.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Reasons to use this service:

  • You need to request access to daily reports, Orion, OnBase and/or other platforms offered by the university.
  • You need to request a custom report for your program/academic area.
  • You have feedback concerning one of the JSOM reports.

Common Questions

Q: Where do I get help with a custom report?
A: You should submit a ticket from the JSOM Data & Reports page.

Q: I am not part of the School of Management, and I have a question.
A: Please contact jsomweb@utdallas.edu with your inquiry.

Q: I am still not sure what I need to do.
A: Please email jsomweb@utdallas.edu and someone on our team will help direct you.

Request Report


Service ID: 446
Mon 4/15/24 2:18 PM
Tue 7/16/24 5:32 PM