Amazon Web Service Onboarding Process


When making a request to get onboarded on AWS, consider your needs for a cloud account and how it will be managed before account creation. In addition, note that the responsibilities around the account such as access controls, audit, security configurations maintenance and patching will be under the account owner. Access a complete list of products and services offered by AWS and all the relevant information.


OIT-ECIS is available to discuss technical requirements and planning for University-affiliated deployments and can be reached by emailing


  • Submit a service request ticket for a cloud account in Atlas and it will be assigned to a team member in in OIT-ECIS.
  • A call will be set up to better understand the need for a cloud account and explain the key considerations in managing an AWS account.
  • A request form is completed with all the necessary information from the account owner. OIT-ECIS team members do not get involved in the responsibilities of managing the account.
  • Complete the Request Cloud Hosting form to OIT ECIS.
    • You can find this form on Atlas, by following Services > Infrastructure > Cloud Infrastructure > Request (Cloud) Hosting. This form includes indication of a budget, cost center, project financial officer, usage agreements and technical owners.
  • After OIT ECIS approves your request and provides subscription access, log into the AWS Portal. Upon signing in with NTID, the screen will display the newly created account, and other account available to the same owner. Select the account and complete sign in.
  • On the top right of AWS console homepage, you will find your account ID, your account's role permissions, and key insights to manage the subscription's use over time.
  • OIT-ECIS strongly advise setting up monitoring and alerting services from AWS to stay within budgets on the account.