Adding Access for Users (AD Group Requests)


This article will assist with the process of submitting an eCAT to add a user to an Active Directory group.


The mentioned steps are for managers and others with resources to add a user to an active AD group. 

  1. Navigate to eCAT.
  2. Select Access Requests (Existing Users) > Computer Access.
  3. Go through the first three steps as directed.
  4. Select Security Group Membership and list the AD group(s) you would like to add the user to.
    • If unsure of the group name, contact an administrator or supervisor. If they are unsure, provide a description of the access desired.
  5. Submit the eCAT request.
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Article ID: 93
Mon 11/22/21 12:39 PM
Mon 2/26/24 1:56 PM