Changing Your Signature in Adobe Acrobat


This article can be used when attempting to edit how a user's digital signature will appear in Adobe Acrobat.

Changing Your Signature

Add or Edit Appearance 

  1. In Acrobat, select Edit > Preferences.

Preferences option in Adobe Acrobat.

  1. Under “Categories”, select Signatures.

Signatures option under Categories.

  1. Under “Creation & Appearance”, select More.

Creation & Appearance option.

  1. Under “Appearances”, select New to create a new appearance or edit/change an appearance.

Option to create/edit new appearance.

  1. Enter your title and alter the properties of the signature as you wish, then select OK.

Option to enter title and alter properties of signature.

Select Your Appearance

  1. Open the document you want to sign with Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Click on More Tools at the bottom right corner.

More Tools option to find certificate.

  1. Under “Forms & Signatures”, go to Certificates.

Certificates option under Forms & Signatures.

  1. Select Digitally Sign and drag the box for where you want to sign.

Digitally Sign option in Tools.

  1. Select your certificate then click Continue.

Option to select Certificate to be used for signing.

  1. Select which appearance you want to use under the "Appearance" Drop-down.

Drop-down options for Appearance.

  1. Enter your PIN or password (if required) and click Sign.

Option to enter PIN or password to sign.


Article ID: 95
Mon 11/22/21 12:39 PM
Fri 6/2/23 2:55 PM