Add Members to a Microsoft Team


This article provides information on how to add members to a Microsoft Team.



Microsoft Teams


Adding Members

  1. Right-click on your team in the sidebar or team list and select Add member.

Drop down menu to manage team

  1. Enter the Name or Net ID of the user, Name of the Distribution list, or Name of the Security group you wish to add.
  2. Select them from the list, and then select Add.

Add members dialog box with search bar to search for a name, distribution list, or security group to add to the team

  1. The user will appear below the text field.
  2. There will be a drop-down for you to select whether the user is a "Member" or an "Owner".

Add members dialog box with search bar displaying the status of the name, distribution list, or security group which was searched

  1. You can add multiple users by repeating the above two steps.
  2. When you are done, select Close. The users are now added and they will see the team in their team list.

Adding Large Numbers of Members

There is no way to automatically bulk add a list of users. If you have too many users to enter by hand, we recommend copying the team's join code using the steps below:

  1. Right-click the team and select Get a link to the team.
  2. Distribute the link to the people you would like to add, such as through email.

Drop down menu to manage team

  1. When users open the link, it will give Team Owners a request to accept the request to join.

You can also create a code to use for joining a team, but this is less secure than the link. When someone has the code, they can join the team by simply entering the code in the "Join" area on the Teams tab. A request to join will not be sent to the owner. Follow the steps below if you are a Team Owner:

  1. Right-click the team and select Manage team.

Drop down menu to manage team

  1. Click on Settings.

Settings menu

  1. Open the Team code tab and select Generate.

Dialog box to generate team code

  1. Select Copy and distribute the code to the people you would like to add, such as through email.


The users will be added to the team. They will see the team in their team list. If they have Teams open, they will get a notification.



Article ID: 225
Mon 11/22/21 1:45 PM
Wed 2/19/25 2:51 PM

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