How to Add the Virtual Appointments Teams Add-in in Teams Client


To add the Virtual Appointments (formerly Bookings) add-in for your Teams client, follow the steps below in this article.


  • Click on the Apps icon.

Apps icon highlighted on the left side of Teams page

  • You will see the Apps home screen. Now, you can either search for Virtual Appointments in the search box or you can also see the option for adding it in the Popular in your org section as shown below.

Highlighting Search box in Teams.

  • Next, click on the Add button.

  • The add-in will be added to your Teams dashboard on the left side.
    • This will pull in any existing Bookings calendars you have created, or you can create new calendars from the app. Access the add-in to start using Virtual Appointments.

Image highlighting Teams dashboard on the left side of the screen.

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