Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based, integrated suite of collaboration solutions that includes Office, Teams and other tools.

Categories (9)

Articles (41)

Creating QR Codes with Microsoft Edge

This article contains steps on how users can create QR codes that can be linked to event registrations, used on digital signage, etc.

Default Options Within Microsoft Outlook's Quick Steps Feature

This article contains information about the Quick Steps feature in Microsoft Outlook and how users can set up and use the default options available within the Quick Steps feature.

Delayed Delivery for All Emails in Outlook's Desktop Version

This article contains information on how users can delay the delivery of all emails in outlook by up to 2 hours using rules.

Enabling LinkedIn Integration in Microsoft 365 (Outlook, Teams)

This article shows you how to link your LinkedIn account to your UT Dallas Microsoft 365 account. This will show relevant LinkedIn information within Outlook and in Teams.

Excel Live Feature

This article contains information about the Excel live feature of Microsoft Teams.

How to Do a Mail Merge in MS Word Using an Excel Spreadsheet

This article has instructions that can help you utilize an Excel spreadsheet to perform a mail merge in MS Word.

How to Download or Delete Videos on Microsoft Stream Classic

This Article Contains Information on How Users Can Download and Delete Videos on Stream Classic. Microsoft Stream (Classic) Is an Enterprise Video Service for Microsoft 365. Stream Classic Is Now Being Replaced by a New Solution, Stream (On Sharepoint). Stream (On Sharepoint) Is an Intelligent Enterprise Video Experience That Is a Part of Microsoft 365.

How to Set A Default Outlook Email Address (Microsoft Word Mail Merge - Shared Mailbox)

This article explains how to set up a shared mailbox in Outlook and make it the default email address so that mail merging will use the shared mailbox instead of your personal account to send emails.

How to Setup and Use Microsoft Outlook's Quick Parts Feature

This article contains information about Microsoft Outlook's Quick Parts feature and how users can utilize it in their day-to-day functioning.

How to Share Your Outlook Calendar Using Outlook's Web Version

This article contains information on the calendar-sharing feature of Outlook’s web version.

Ignoring Conversation Feature in Microsoft Outlook

This article contains information on the Ignoring Conversation Feature in Microsoft Outlook and how users can set up this feature.

Introduction to Annotations in MS Whiteboard

This article contains information on Annotations in Microsoft Whiteboard and covers the content on how to access this feature.

Introduction to Delve

This article contains information about Microsoft 365 Delve, and it also covers the content on how to access it.

Introduction to Mail Merge

This article contains information on Mail Merge, and it also covers the step-by-step process of how to set up Mail Merge

Introduction to Microsoft Sway

This article contains information on Microsoft Sway and instructions on how users can create their first Sway.

Inviting External Guests to a Microsoft Teams Meeting

This article contains details on setting up a Microsoft Teams Meeting and adding external guests to it.

Mendeley Cite

This article contains quick information about Mendeley Cite.

Microsoft Copilot

This article tells all that is needed to know regarding Microsoft Copilot in relation to UTD.

Microsoft Copilot FAQs

This article highlights the frequently asked questions about Microsoft Copilot.

Microsoft Delve FAQ's

This article provides answers to a list of frequently asked questions regarding Microsoft Delve.

Microsoft Mesh and EDU Clients

This article provides quick information about EDU clients and the licenses that are not there.

Microsoft O365 Data Retention Policy

This article explains the M365 data retention policy.

Microsoft Teams Webinars

This article highlights everything there is about webinars

New Options Within Microsoft Outlook's Quick Steps Feature

This article contains information about the Quick Steps feature in Microsoft Outlook and how users can set up new quick steps available within the feature.

Quick Guide on Outlook's Features

This article contains information on Outlook’s most valuable features. You might miss Outlook’s most impressive features even though most people use the application daily. These features can help you be more productive and avoid common errors at work.

Recalling and Replacing an email in Outlook's Desktop Version

This article contains information on the recalling and replacing email feature in Microsoft Outlook’s Desktop Version.

Scheduling Email Delivery in Outlook's Web Version

This article contains information on how users can schedule the delivery of an individual email in Outlook’s web version.

Setting Up Rules in Outlook (Desktop Application)

This article discusses how users can create and manage rules in Outlook’s Desktop Version.

Setting Up The Rules Feature in Outlook's Web Version

This article discusses how users can create and manage rules in Outlook’s Web Version.

Sharing an Email From Microsoft Outlook's Desktop Version to Microsoft Teams

This article contains information on sharing an email to Microsoft Teams from Microsoft Outlook’s Desktop Version.

Sharing an Email From Microsoft Outlook's Web Version to Microsoft Teams

This article contains information on sharing an email to Microsoft Teams from Microsoft Outlook’s Web Version.

Sharing Your Outlook Calendar Using Outlook’s Desktop Version

This article contains information on the calendar-sharing feature of Outlook’s desktop application.

Signing into Microsoft Copilot

This article explains the sign in process for Microsoft Copilot.

Unlink LinkedIn from Microsoft 365

Microsoft provides a feature to link your LinkedIn account to your UT Dallas M365 account to show LinkedIn information in places like Outlook and Teams. This article covers how to disconnect your account.

How to Install Microsoft 365 Products on iPad

This article provides instructions on how to install M365 products on an iPad.

Install Microsoft 365 Suite on Your Personal Computer

This article provides instructions on how to install Microsoft 365 Suite on your personal computer.

Microsoft 365 Organization Changes

This article provides information on how to change incorrect organization information in Microsoft 365.

O365 Login Error 135011: "Your organization has disabled this device."

If this happens, please contact the OIT Help Desk so we can escalate a ticket to unblock your device.

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams

ATP helps detect and block files that are identified as malicious in team sites and document libraries.

Office 365 Applications Access and Resources

The scope of the article is to explain who has access to Office 365 apps at UTD and share a comprehensive list of resources you may need to be productive while using Office 365 and applications.

Recovering Microsoft Documents

This article shows how to recover a Microsoft document that was not saved.