Display Name Changes

Different Name Updates

Note: If Faculty/ Staff is affiliated as a Student, user will need to contact the Registrar to have Display Name changed. 

Updating Legal Name

In the event of a legal name change or an incorrectly recorded name, you must first contact the appropriate department for your legal records and inform them of the change. The correct departments are as follows:

Once you have contacted the appropriate department(s), if you are both staff and a student, all systems should be updated with your new name after 48 hours.

Updating Preferred Name (Students)

The University recognizes that many community members use names other than their primary/legal names to identify themselves. Please email records@utdallas.edu from your UT Dallas email account to update your preferred name.

Updating Preferred Name (Staff/ Faculty)

Payroll/ HR systems must use your legal name, but if you want your display name changed, you will need to submit an Atlas self-service ticket.

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