This REDCap feature enables the ability to repeat a data collection instrument or an entire event of instruments an unlimited number of times without having to specify the amount needed. This feature can be used with longitudinal projects as well. Some examples may include but are not limited to the following: data from multiple visits or observations, concomitant medications, adverse events, or repetitive surveys (daily, weekly, etc.). (Note: If some instruments need to be utilized repeatedly for a specific, finite number of times then longitudinal data collection will likely be best.)
How to Set Up Repeating Instruments (Classic Data Collection)
To set up Repeating Instruments in a REDCap project requires enabling the repeating isntruments or events from the Project Setup page. Follow the steps below to enable repeating instruments in a project:
- From the Project Setup Page, under the "Enable optional modules and customizations" header, click "Enable" next to Repeating Instruments and Events (Note: Surveys are not required to be enabled for the repeating instruments to function.)

- In the pop-up that appears, check the box(es) for each instrument that should repeat. While not required, it can be helpful to include a custom label for the repeating instrument. In this example, the variable "date" is set in square brackets to designate date as a custom repeating instrument label.

Example of Repeating Instruments
- Once an instrument is set to repeat, navigate to the Record Status Dashboard. If no records have been created, create one now. When at least one record has been saved, there will be a “+” to add another instance of the instrument per saved record.

- Additionally, from the Record Home Page (can be reached by clicking on the record number), all instances of a repeating instruments will be displayed here (including the custom label). New instruments can be added here as well.

How to Set Up Repeating Events (Longitudinal Data Collection)
To set up Repeating Events in a REDCap project requires enabling the longitudinal data collection and repeating instruments and events from the Project Setup page. Follow the steps below to enable repeating events in a project:
- From the Project Setup Page, under the "Main project settings" header click "Enable" next to Use longitudinal data colelction with defined events? (Note: Surveys can, but are not required to be enabled for the longitudinal data collection to function)

- From the Project Setup Page, under the "Enable optional modules and customizations", click "Enable" next to Repeating Instruments.

- A pop-up will appear asking which repeating instrument(s) should be repeating. Here users can specify which events should repeat instruments independently or all together using the dropdown fields. While not required, it can be helpful to include a custom label for the repeating instrument. In this example, the variable "date" is set in square brackets to designate date as a custom repeating instrument label.

Example of Repeating Events
- Once an instrument is set to repeat, navigate to the record status dashboard. If no records have been created, create one now. When at least one record has been saved, there will be a “+” to add another instance of the instrument per saved record.

- Additionally, from the Record Home Page (can be reached by clicking on the record number), all instances of a repeating instruments will be displayed here (including the custom label). New instruments can be added here as well.