Accessing Optum COVID-19 Data on TACC


Once a researcher has completed the process to obtain authorization to access the Optum COVID-19 data, they have created a TACC account, and provided with their TACC account details, they will be able to access the data using a SCP/SFTP Client or a Database Client.  



If your account was just created, and/or you were just added to the project, please wait 30 minutes before attempting to connect to the server.

  1. Open a SCP/SFTP Client such as FileZilla or WinSCP
  2. Connect to the TACC server:
    1. Host:
    2. User: TACC username
    3. Logon Type: Interactive

  3. Enter the password you use to access TACC and then enter the TACC token obtained from the TACC App (as part of multi-factor authorization). 
  4. Once you have successfully connected to the server, navigate to the following file path to access the data: /work/projects/uthealth-covid/rawdata


Database Client

Researchers have the option to connect directly to an SQL database to access the data. Please contact for instructions.

Please contact if you have any questions or if you encounter difficulties accessing the data.


Article ID: 1075
Fri 3/24/23 7:24 AM
Fri 3/24/23 9:18 AM

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The Texas Advanced Computer Center (TACC) provides high-performance computing, visualization, data analysis, storage, software, and cloud, gateways & portal interfaces. Create a TACC account by following the instructions here.