Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Loop

Tags Loop shortcut


  • The shortcuts in this topic refer to the US keyboard layout. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard.
  • A plus sign (+) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys at the same time.
  • A comma sign (,) in a shortcut means that you need to press multiple keys in order.


Windows shortcut

Mac shortcut

Tag and notify a person



Open the Discover Menu with component options



Open the Commanding Surface with formatting options

Shift + F10

Shift + F10

Open the six dot menu in the margin

Alt + Shift + F10

Alt + Shift + F10

Add an in-line comment with your name

Ctrl + Alt + M

Ctrl + Alt + M

Insert an emoji

Windows logo key + . (period)

^ + ⌘ + Space

Undo typing

Ctrl + Z

⌘ + Z

Redo typing

Ctrl + Y

⌘ + Y


Ctrl + B
** text **

⌘ + B
** text **


Ctrl + I
* text *

⌘ + I
* text *


Ctrl + U

⌘ + U


~~ text ~~

~~ text ~~

Heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 1
# + Spacebar

Option + ⌘ + 1 
# + Spacebar

Heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 2
## + Spacebar

Option + ⌘ + 2 
## + Spacebar

Heading 3

Ctrl + Alt + 3 
### + Spacebar

Option + ⌘ + 3 
### + Spacebar


--- + Spacebar

--- + Spacebar

Checklist commands:

  • Create a checklist or checklist item

  • Check off an item on a checklist

  • Remove an item from a checklist or remove checklist

Ctrl + 1

⌘ + 1

Create unchecked checklist

[ ] + Spacebar

[ ] + Spacebar

Create checked checklist

[x] + Spacebar

[x] + Spacebar

Create a bulleted List

Ctrl + . (period)

⌘ + . (period)

Insert hyperlink

Ctrl + K

⌘ + K

Insert inline code



Insert code block

``` + Spacebar

``` + Spacebar

Insert quote

> + Spacebar

> + Spacebar 

Delete backward (word)

Ctrl + Backspace

⌘ + Delete

Delete forward (word)

Ctrl + Delete

Option + Delete

Set text alignment to LTR (left to right)

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L

⌘ + Shift + Alt + L

Set text alignment to RTL (right to left)

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R

⌘ + Shift + Alt + R

Increase image size

Ctrl + Shift + >

⌘ + Shift + >

Decrease image size

Ctrl + Shift + <

⌘ + Shift + <

Insert a row (only applies to table when in the last cell)



Move IP left by word

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Option + Left Arrow

Move IP right by word

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Option + Right Arrow

Move IP up by paragraph

Ctrl + Up Arrow

⌘ + Left Arrow

Move IP down by paragraph

Ctrl + Down Arrow

⌘ + Right Arrow

Move IP to beginning of line


Function + Up Arrow

Move IP to end of line


Function + Down Arrow

Increase indent



Decrease indent

Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab

Navigate the main regions of apps (canvas, left nav, top bar)

Ctrl + F6

⌘ + F6

Paste as plain text

Ctrl + Shift + V

⌘ + Shift + V

Paste markdown syntax and convert to rich text

Ctrl + Shift + V

⌘ + Shift + V

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