Exchange IT Resource Request


Exchange Resources allow sharing a calendar or scheduling consumption of a resource such as a conference room. All Exchange Resource changes must be submitted through an IT Resource Request. This request is meant to manage the resource itself, not manager members. Please follow the steps below to request changes to an Exchange Resource.

If you are only needing access to an existing Shared Calendar, you can submit a Computer Access- IT Resource Request > select Exchange Resource. You can submit one request for multiple users for the same mailbox by filling in the mailbox needing access and listing the users NetIDs needing access.


  • Log in to PEARL (Portal for Enterprise Access Request Library) formerly eCAT, using your UTD credentials. 
  • Under "System Requests," select Create/Update/Remove IT Resources.

System Requests drop-down menu. Create/ Update/ Remove IT Resources option is last on the list.

  • Select the department that manages the resource and Exchange Resource as the type of resource.
    • Exchange Resource = Sharing a calendar or scheduling consumption of a resource such as a conference room.

Dropdown menu with Exchange Distribution List selected.

  • Select your preferred action under "What action will be required?"  
    • Selecting Remove will delete the Exchange Resource.
  • Lookup and select the contact for technical questions > Next
  • Continue filling out the form and provide the name of the resource you are wanting to update.
  • Type the requested changes in the "Add rules" or "Remove Rules" text box. 
    • If you're unsure if you're adding or removing rules, add your changes under "Additional instructions."
  • Review your request, select Effective IT Resource Date and Submit.
Questions? Please contact the OIT Service Desk for concerns regarding Exchange Resources.
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Article ID: 1269
Mon 7/8/24 12:23 PM
Tue 8/13/24 12:39 PM