Guest User Resource Access Requests


This article is designed to assist users in submitting eCAT requests for Guest users to access UTD technology resources.

eCAT Submission

Guest Has Existing Account

  1. Login to eCAT.
  2. Select Computer Access under "Access Requests (Existing Users)".

eCAT Home screen with various tabs including access requests.

  1. Enter the NetID or UTD-ID of the guest.
  2. Provide additional information if prompted:
  • Select Guest for "Classification".
  • Select [Your Department] for "Department".
  • Provide personal user information (full name, date of birth, gender, etc.).
  • Provide user contact information (local home and mailing address).
  1. Enter the required information as follows:
    1. Sponsor: Department member authorized to sponsor guest users.
    2. Usertype: Guest
    3. Service Level: Depends on required access (see service levels).
  2. Select the resources the user requires access to.
  3. Review the request and press Submit.

Guest Does Not Have Existing Account

  1. Login to eCAT.
  2. Select Request UTD-ID / NetID under "Need UTD-ID or NetID (New Users)".

eCAT Home screen with various tabs including need UTD-ID or NetId.

  1. Complete the fields as follows:
  • Classification: Guest
  • Department: [Your Department]
  • UTD Email: Yes or No
  • Sponsor: Department member with permission to sponsor a guest.
  1. Provide personal user information (full name, date of birth, gender, etc.).
  2. Check the box for Former Employee if the user is returning.
  3. Provide user contact information (local home and mailing address).
  4. Select the Service Level required for the user (see service levels).
  5. Select the resources the user requires access to.
  6. Review the request, set a date for access start/end, and press Submit.


Article ID: 226
Mon 11/22/21 12:45 PM
Mon 1/22/24 8:22 AM