Adobe Digital Signature

Digital Signature 

Note: If you have not installed your digital certificate on your computer, please read through the Enroll, Install and Publish a Digital Certificate article before you begin.

Digital Certificates are only available for Staff, Faculty and Graduate Students. Requests from Undergraduate Students will be denied.
  • Open the PDF form you want your signature on, in Adobe.
  • If you have received a document with no active signature fields, click on the Tools menu on the top-left.

Tools menu in Adobe Reader.

  • Select the Certificates icon > Open.

Certificates icon in Adobe Reader.

  • Go back to the tab of your selected PDF, click on the Digitally Sign option that appears in the middle of the taskbar.

Digitally Sign option in Adobe Reader.

  • Click and drag to draw the area where you would like the signature to appear using your mouse.
    • Once you finish dragging out the desired size, you will continue to the signing process.
  • "Sign with a Digital ID" wizard will appear.
  • Select the Digital ID you want to use for signing > Continue.

Sign with a Digital id wizard with Continue button.

  • Review your signature on the pop-up window and click Sign.

Screen to review your signature and sign.

  • Enter the password you set earlier while downloading the certificate to your computer > Allow.
Note: You will get this prompt to enter your password only if you set a password while creating your digital certificate.
  • The "Save As" window will come up.
    • Save the form in the location of your choice.

Screen to enter credentials to allow access to private key.

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Related Articles (2)

This article provides information on how to enroll and download digital certificates on your Mac device.
This article provides instructions for installing Digital Certificates. Digital Certificates are used for email encryption and signing.