Teams Voice User Guide

How to Make a Call in Teams

  1. Click the Calls icon.
  2. Click the Dialpad.
  3. Enter the 10-digit number you want to call.
  4. Click the Phone / Call button.

How to Transfer a Call in Teams

  1. When on a call, click the ... icon.
  2. Choose Transfer.
  3. Select the name of the person to transfer to.
  4. Choose Transfer to finish.

How to Park/Retrieve a Call in Teams

  1. When on a call, click the ... icon.
  2. Choose Park Call, Teams will generate a unique code.
  3. The Parked Call will show up on the top left of your Teams window.
  4. To pick up a Parked Call, navigate to the speed dial tab.
  5. Click Parked Calls / Unpark, then enter the code.

How to Configure Voicemail in Teams

  1. Click the ... icon on the top right corner of the main Teams application window.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click on Calls.
  4. Click on Manage voicemail.
  5. Click on Record a greeting.

* To reset Voicemail back to Default (automated response)

  1. Click the ... icon on the top right corner of the main Teams application window.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click on Calls.
  4. Scroll to Manage voicemail.
  5. Click Record a greeting.
  6. In the IVR menu press 2 in the first menu, then 3. 

How to Set a Voice Delegate in Teams

  1. Click the ... icon on the top right corner of the main Teams application window.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click on the General menu. Scroll to the bottom and click Manage Delegates.
  4. Add your delegates from the search field. Then click Back to Settings.
  5. Click on the Calls menu.
  6. Under Also Ring, click the drop down and select My delegates.