Request a University Owned Cell Phone


The University does not provide cellular communications equipment to individuals for routine use. In unusual situations where there is a legitimate business or research need that exceeds routine use, departments may opt to purchase cellular communications equipment and an associated service plan. All cellular devices must be ordered through OIT according to the UTD Cellular Communications Equipment Policy. This policy also states the official uses for a cellular device and must be approved by both OIT and the Office of Budget and Finance (OBF). 

Refer to these steps to place a request:

  • Create an Atlas ticket specifying the need for a university owned cellular device (phone, hotspot or tablet).
  • Include the desired manufacturer and model number for the device.
  • Include cost center for monthly recurring cellular voice/data costs to be charged.
  • Include the end user name, shipping address (for campus delivery include Mailstop), and contact phone.
Note: If this is a replacement or upgrade device, please be sure to include the cellular number associated with the old device. If this is a replacement, OIT will need to activate the phone before it is used.
  • OIT will contact the carrier to obtain firm pricing on the device and subsequent approval from you.
  • OIT will pass the request to OBF Compliance Officer.
  • Sign the attestation document and return to OBF, who will then inform OIT of the approval.
  • Have your cost center manager send an email to OIT approving the cost center monthly recurring charges.
  • Upon receipt of the cost center manager, OIT will place the order with the carrier.
  • Delivery is usually within 48 hours, if the device is in stock.
    • Delivery to campus goes through normal UTD Mail Services. This is why Mailstop is important.
  • Once received, notify OIT of the receipt.