Box Troubleshooting


UTD Box is a file storage and sharing platform that enables users to quickly and easily work with files up to 50GB in size. Box use at UTD is meant to compliment OneDrive and SharePoint and allows users greater flexibility when working with multiple collaborators and external users. Listed below are several common issues and troubleshooting steps for each.

Common Issues

User Not Able to Sign In

If a user reports they are unable to sign-in to the Box service, follow the troubleshooting steps below to address the issue:

  1. Ensure user is accessing Box from and logging in with their NetID and password.
  2. Verify user account status - Only Standard and Basic service level users are able to access Box.
  3. Verify DUO status - Box is protected by DUO multi-factor authentication.
    1. Check that the user's account is in good standing.
Note: If the user is a former employee, please have their former supervisor or department head submit a request to temporarily reactivate their NetID.  One this request has been completed, they will be able to access their Box account for a limited time.

Box Drive Not Syncing

If the user is reporting issues with Box Drive not syncing, follow the steps below:

  1. If device is UTD owned, re-install the application through Software Center.
  2. If device is personal, instruct the user to re-install the application following the instructions in KA 824.
  3. If the issue is still not resolved, escalate to FTS. They can contact Box support for further troubleshooting steps.

Issues Editing Office Documents in Box

For issues related to editing documents within Box, please refer to KA 254.

Box Known Issues

If a user reports an issue not related to those listed above, check the Box Known Issues and Community pages for possible remediation or workarounds.

Note: If unable to resolve the issue with the steps listed above, please escalate with details.