How to Update Your Headset Through Poly Lens


This article walks you through the process of updating your headset via the Poly Lens application.


To update your headset, start by launching the Poly Lens application. If you do not have the Poly Lens application, visit to download the software.

  1. Launch the Poly Lens application.
  2. Make sure your device is connected via USB.
  3. Select your headset from the left side of the application (For example: Blackwire 5210).
  4. In the Overview tab, you are able to see if your headset software version is or isn't up to date through a red or green circle next to the word “Software.”​​​​​​
    • If it is up to date, your circle will be green.
    • If it isn't up to date, your circle will be red.
  5. To update there will be a blue box stating "Update" below. Click on it and let it run.