How to Use Microsoft Word Effectively (Video Training)


The videos in this article will help you effectively use Microsoft Word and other applications seamlessly.



Microsoft Word is one of the most intuitive applications the UTD community uses. The application is built in perfect unison with the powerful Microsoft Office suite. Microsoft's software remains the go-to tool for producing essential documents. The videos below will help you effectively use Microsoft Word and other applications seamlessly.

Adding a Word document to Teams

Dictate and Transcribe

Immersive reader in Word


hello and welcome to team's tips we are so excited to have you today we're going to be going over um ways to come together right now to be able to share with you ways that we can collaborate using teams so let me pull up my slides real quickly okay i want to go over a couple of basic features in teams live in case this is your first live event and you haven't attended one of these previously before we begin i want you to know about all of these features your video feed and your audio are not displayed but you are able to interact with the speakers through the live event q a since we had a few people having issues locating that last time i've gone ahead and put it up on the screen i did a screenshot of it and if you look in the upper right hand corner there's a little button that looks like a question mark if you select that it's going to pull open the live event q a and i've gone ahead and i've published a comment there if you would please like that post that just ensures to me that you're able to respond and interact with us and you can see that live event q a feature again it's going to be in the upper right hand corner so i'll let you all find that and navigate there and come back to that in just a moment so to submit a question you're going to within that same box at the very bottom there's a purple box that says ask a question submit it there even if you have a comment a an insight that you'd like to share with us we thrive on your interaction and it's very meaningful to us to be able to see that you're able to ask the questions as they come up uh be aware that those questions uh come to us and have to be moderated first so if you don't see them immediately displayed on the screen it doesn't mean we don't hear you we'll be able to get to your question when we pause intermittently throughout this session okay i see we're increasing the numbers right now we've got 22 that like that post so continue to navigate there to that q a box open it up and find that button i know that we've got about a little over 40 attending right now so i'll let you continue to find that there is a 10 to 20 second delay from when i speak to when the audio and slides actually play on your screen so let's see here switching views if you do want to access closed captioning it is available you just need to activate that now that we've started the meeting it's at the very bottom right hand corner of your screen and you can activate that by clicking the closed captioning and it will turn on the subtitles for you please note that this feature is best utilized when you're working in viewing this on a computer so if you haven't attended previously i'm amanda pritchard from the office of information technology where i have the absolute joy of serving as the events and outreach specialists we're thrilled to have you take part in today's session which is on teams collaboration these have been hosted weekly throughout the summer as a means of oit providing you support during this transition to remote work it's our intention to be able to partner with you by providing you with the technical support needed to ease the stress of working remotely so to get a little feel for um how you're doing so far with using teams i'm going to go ahead and post in the chat box a quick pull for you to be able to take i'll go ahead and post that real quick so in that poll you're going to be given a few questions i'll go ahead and share that poll with you so again this is in that q a chat box if you click on that link it's going to take you into a different browser to answer a quick poll with four questions the four questions are listed on your screen so if anyone's having send me a note here i'm checking the q a to see if anyone's having issues getting to that oh excellent we're already getting responses so this is a live poll so as soon as you respond we're going to start seeing and receiving your feedback on how familiar you are with using teams and using it as a collaboration tool so if you haven't yet go ahead and pull up that link and answer how familiar are you with teams and using it to work together the answer is just in case you're concerned they are anonymous but don't hesitate to answer honestly and let's get a look and see what your answers are so we have a lot of confident teams users i love seeing that okay looks like we even had a few that said wait you mean you could share documents in teams and co-edit them i know isn't that great that you can have that ability and that flexibility using the team's platform to have that level of interaction so it looks like we've got a really great variety of expertise and comfort levels in teams so i appreciate you all taking the time to answer that and give us a little bit of feedback that's going to help prepare our speaker in knowing how to best address your questions and your particular needs i hope you all enjoyed that that was kind of a fun thing to be able to see so fortunately we have a number of ways to assist you no matter what level that you're on we have additional sessions that are going to be coming up this summer let me go ahead and pull those so that you can see them so in addition to can you go back please in addition to some of the sessions that we have going on right now and next week we have a full listing in august for you different different sessions from teams telephony which is a very popular one also microsoft stream if you're looking at what to do once you have a event recorded how to store and share that video microsoft stream is going to be the session for you teams trivia the one i am most excited about i am going to be relying on each and every one of you to be there with your toughest team questions as we get the best and the brightest teams gurus on campus to be able to quickly answer any question that you may have any feature that you are trying to get more information about they're going to be there ready to respond to you so guys that is our opportunity to stump the trainers i want to see you all there and then finally the session on microsoft forms that's going to be a session so that you can learn how to set up polls set up surveys and set up registrations all within microsoft forms it's an easy to manipulate tool that you can yet you'll be able to use there okay so i hope i got you a little bit excited about some of the classes that we have coming up i'm gonna go ahead and make sure we get that posted in the chat awesome and it's already there so if you haven't registered and if you want to register for one of those coming up please go to our chat remember that's what i had you like to make sure you could interact with it so go to that chat go ahead and pull up that link it's on the bottom of the slide but it's also in the chat box on my next slide i wanted to talk a little bit about the oit forum so from the formation of a unique team for every course to enhancing vpn upgrading the wireless network oit has diligently been working to strengthen to support the shifting needs on campus client services will share in our forum how our voice and email migrations to exchange online have allowed departments to simplify communications and collaborate more easily we'll have our hpc our high performance computing group come and share in their cutting edge research and assistance with the federal reserve researchers researchers i hope you'll consider joining us at our forum as well because that's our opportunity to share with campus the latest and greatest things going on so next i am so privileged to be able to have brian sherwood back with us today to share in his immense knowledge of teams if you don't already know brian he's the assistant manager in client services in oit he devotes his time to helping others gain technical knowledge and be sure we're all equipped with the tools needed to be successful brian had a critical role in the migration to microsoft teams which led him as the perfect candidate to walk with us through the platform today brian welcome we are so excited to have you here awesome thanks amanda i'm excited to be back uh this is a time number three for me on teams tips at two so excited to be back and share a little bit more about the platform and answer some questions um so i want to go ahead and let's go ahead and show the agenda just so that folks can get a lay of the land of what we're going to talk about today um so today's focus is going to be on collaboration and i actually have uh one of my colleagues on the help desk jake sheller who's on with us uh in the background today who's going to be doing some collaboration with me um but we're going to start we're going to talk about chat and channels we're going to talk less about what a channel is if you missed that you'll want to check out last week's teams tips where we went into that but we're really going to focus on how co-authoring can make your virtual collaboration a lot easier or even potentially easier than in-person collaboration if you believe it we'll also talk about using forms and the co-authoring abilities inside microsoft forums as well as onenote and collaborating inside of folders a lot of folks ask us about this so they want to keep things organized um then we're going to go ahead and take a look at some other collaboration tools inside of teams we'll look at planner a really a high level look at planner but how you can use planner to collaborate with your team with potentially reducing meeting time talking about projects and that sort of thing um so we'll look at the signing tasks and editing progress and that sort of thing and then we'll wrap up today talking a little bit about screen sharing and some of the abilities that teams has when you're in calls and meetings and collaborating remotely that way so with that i'm going to go ahead and get started as amanda mentioned if you have questions throughout today's presentation go ahead and post those in that q a box and i'm going to check in with her periodically to see if we have any questions all right and share my screen here perfect um so you'll see that i'm i'm in a microsoft team right now that i've aptly titled the sherwood training um we're going to start today by by taking a look at tabs it as they exist in channels and in chat so i'm going to take a look in chat first just to show you guys what this looks like and then i'm going to spend the majority of our time today inside of a team's channel because that's where the most collaboration can happen um so you'll see that if i start a chat here with jake type his name in up here send him a quick message to get my chat started you'll notice that some of the settings that i show you in the chat area won't appear until after uh you've sent your first message so if you've never talked to that person before you won't necessarily see all this at the top but you'll notice that we do have all of the different tabs available up here at the top and if i click add a tab i'm going to see all of the different options that are available here now why would you want to add something as a tab well you might want to do this so that you can um you know remember where something is you don't have to dig back through the conversation but you also can use this to add you know an excel document a powerpoint um even an embedded shared onenote into your chat with this person so there's a wide variety of different collaboration tools that are available here um and you'll notice jake sent me a message back so i know he's paying attention so now we're going to go back to the teams area because this is where we're going to do the bulk of our um our training today and so i'm actually going to go ahead and start a new channel inside of my team um just to show how easy this is to to really be able to to take advantage of we're going to start from scratch on most of what we do today um so we'll go ahead and click on add a channel uh jake and brian secret project oops there we go i'm gonna make this a standard channel a lot an important thing to note here that some of you may be using private channels that are a subset of the team keep in mind that some of the collaboration that we see today is only available in a standard channel microsoft's working to bring a lot of that to private channels but it's not available quite yet so i'll go ahead and create this channel i've already just before the presentation added jake to this team so i know that he's already in here he's already a part of the bee sherwood training team but i'm going to let him know where where i'm at here so i'm going to send a quick message and say hey jake here's where we can collaborate and i'll go ahead and do an at message here as well so that he knows that this is where i'm at so i did that so now now i know that jake's aware at least that this channel exists and i'm going to go back up to the top here and i'm going to add a tab so i have lots and lots of choices here but the first one that i'm going to do is i'm going to add a word document just kidding i'm going to upload a word document first perfect all right so i'm going to go ahead and upload a word document into my files tab and now that it's in here inside of my team's channel i can go right up to the top and i can choose add a tab it's a word document and i can pick there's that word document and i have an option here to post to the channel about this tab this lets my team members know that i've gone ahead and added a tab to the to the channel um so you can choose whether you want that or not i'll leave it on for this presentation now you see i've got a tab up here called word now that's helpful but might be less helpful if i start adding multiple uh word tabs so i can click this little drop down and say that i want to call it something different so i'm going to say this is the collaboration [Music] team's tips since that's this was my working doc for the agenda for today save that you'll notice as soon as i click on this tab i'm brought to a live editing version of this particular word document what's great about this is that this applies in every different part of office 365 inside of teams so when i share a file even inside of chat i'm actually sharing a live editable version of that with my other person or in this case i'm sharing that with my entire team and so you'll notice jake is really on this he noticed maybe that i added this new tab inside of this channel and he's now in here as well so you'll you'll see that we're both um co-authoring this file at the same time and this is critical if not only for um you know maybe less than real-time collaboration so maybe you're working on an agenda for a training that you're you're doing with someone you put a document together and add it here in your tabs now you guys can collaborate on that all the way up until your presentation time whether you're working on it at the same time or not there's no more back and forth but this also allows us to co-author together in real time and so i'm going to go ahead and go down here and add a part 3 to my training and i'm going to say what goes here i'm going to see if jake maybe has some thoughts on what we might do there and so if you've ever used google docs this is going to be a very similar technology it should be very uh easy for you to understand but jay can literally work on another part of the document while we're you know talking at the same time or even if we're not together necessarily in a specific location and so jake's making some comments down there now we have lots and lots of options in terms of our word um tool set here so not only can i just do basic text editing but i have nearly the full microsoft word experience i can set this as a header if i wanted to do that i can bold or underline it i have all of those available options and again i know that jake is here because i can see his photo up here in the corner as well as his cursor down here with his name um so that's taking a look at word and this was a file that i already had so i uploaded this maybe i worked on it i did my first draft before i wanted jake to be able to see it but i also can start a document completely inside of microsoft teams which might be helpful if maybe you don't have microsoft office installed on your computer and you know you need to be able to create a document so to do that i'm going to actually switch gears we're going to go to excel so i'm going to go to my files tab inside of my team i'm going to choose that i want to create a new excel workbook uh secret project budget i'm going to create this excel workbook you'll see it's going to take me right into that file now just creating a file inside of your uh team isn't necessarily going to let everyone know that it's been added there so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to once again go back up to my tab i'm going to choose excel this time there's my secret project budget and i'm going to make sure that i post about this to the to the channel so jake's aware that it's up there and where to go i've got that excel tab added right up here at the top and it's going to load right into excel so i actually created this excel sheet right inside of teams i never had to leave the microsoft teams client and now if jake comes and joins me here we can start adding uh items directly to our excel sheet hopefully j cole join me here soon so i do have the option up here if i click on this little uh chat bubble i can actually reply to my own post so i'm gonna do that here and i'm gonna ask jake where is that oh he is here huh okay so if i go ahead and close that back out uh jake is here so he's able to edit this in real time and we're able to collaborate we created this excel document right inside of teams we never had to leave the interface and we didn't even have to start outside of teams and then upload the file um so lastly we're going to go ahead and look at powerpoint so powerpoint is one that we use in oit all the time we collaborate maybe in advance of a presentation that we're doing um so i'll go ahead and go in here and click on powerpoint oh i missed the step i need to go ahead and add a powerpoint file in here so let me take care of that and while i'm in this file section i also want to just talk about folders for a minute so uh when i'm in here you'll see that this quickly if maybe jake and my secret project went on for a really long time you can see that that might get a little bit overwhelming um what i can do here is add a folder and i can add as many of these in here as i want and that um structure oh and amanda's in there in our secret folder that can actually keep our files in here from being just the giant mess we can structure them and that applies to all of our users that are inside of our team's channel so you'll notice we're able to do that really easily inside of here so if i open up my project 1 folder we'll go and create a new powerpoint all right we'll go back here and add that as a tab as well so i can go up here to the top now i've got this powerpoint in a folder so it'll take me one extra step to be able to add it as a tab when i get in here you'll now see that i have this project one folder i can just open that up and still be able to pick my presentation right from there all right now hopefully i might even get jake and amanda in here to help me co-author um we're going to go ahead and add a slide we'll add my intro slide here and you'll notice that as soon as i get in here jake is already in here i can tell that his initial show up right here in the corner and we're able to co-author on this in real time now what's great in powerpoint word excel is that all of these are also available on the mobile app so you'll need the teams app and the microsoft office mobile app you're actually able to edit those files from a phone uh or from a tablet so if you have an android or an android tablet or an ipad you're able to do that there as well you'll actually see you're able to co-author all three of us are in here editing at the same time you can do up to 25 people editing at the same time if you've got that many people in your powerpoint or word you might have some other logistical challenges but you are the technology will allow you to do that and you'll notice that it's actually highlighting content that's new that i haven't seen before too which is a great tool to be able to know where folks have edited that i have not yet seen so you'll see highlights there now the next one we're going to look at is microsoft forms and i know amanda mentioned that in august we're going to do a deep dive into microsoft forms as one of our team's tips but i want to just touch on it today because it also has some of the co-authoring capabilities um that we just talked about so i actually can go back to my new tab interface this isn't the only way to create a form but it is one way that you can do it i can select forms from the list and then i'll get the option to either choose a existing form that is inside of microsoft forms or i can create a new form that my team can edit and see results so by default this is going to mean everybody that's inside of my microsoft team is able to edit and see the results of the form now there are ways to do it differently if maybe you wanted to survey your team instead of creating a survey with them and again we'll cover that more in depth when we talk about forms later in august um but for right now i'm going to create a new form project intake form maybe again i have the option of whether i want to post to the channel about the tab and i'll do that so my collaborators know that that's where i'm at i actually can open this up and it's going to open right inside of teams i created this form inside of teams and you'll notice that jake is actually already here he's on it he's he's keeping an eye on what i'm working on and we're able to collaborate in real time add new questions um i can add first and last name here if i wanted to we're able to in real time amanda's joined us create a forum to be able to share out with folks now again we'll go into more depth on all of the features of forums but i will mention that now i'm able to click right here on share and i can get the link that i can then send to others if they i want them to be able to fill out the form but i didn't have to leave teams to do any of that and i don't have to create a version potentially in word and then migrated into forms i actually can co-author and you'll see jake's actually created another question here for us with my teammates at the same time so we're collaborating in real time we don't even necessarily have to all be in the same meeting while we're doing this we're uh jake you got to give the option for pineapple on pizza yes it's a yes people so you're able to collaborate in real time here inside of forms now the next one i want to show is onenote so you may have used onenote before but onenote really when it was moved to the cloud microsoft did this a couple of years ago i'm getting some additional um collaboration abilities you actually can collaborate in real time in onenote just like you can in all of these other applications you'll notice when i go add my new tab for onenote i have the option of whether i want a whole brand new notebook or if i want to use it the team notebook that's automatically created so every team that's created in microsoft teams will already have a notebook that you can use here i'm going to add a new section for secret projects and again i have the option to post to the to the channel about it and i'll do that and then you'll notice that just like all of these other applications my onenote is actually going to load right inside of my team's channel so i'm able to get that up here you'll notice it's just taking a second to get set up and now i'm in my familiar onenote interface where i can work through my notebook and add additional notes and my fellow teammates can add there as well so maybe if we rotate maybe we have team meetings and we rotate on taking notes we can all take notes in the same spot so there's not a need to email those notes out i know that if i need the last meetings notes all i have to do is go to the right tab inside of microsoft teams and again with the onenote app you can do this as well on your mobile device or your tablet so i just went through a whole lot of some collaboration utilities and i'm going to pause for a moment and see if there are any questions brian i think you know that there are that we've gotten several questions coming in and i think some of them can be categorized i know you touched on can several people edit at a time you said that they can and multiple people can just to clarify you would get a notification if somebody else had edited the document and you would see where those changes were made correct um good question so you you will not necessarily get a notification when someone has edited the document because the document is owned by the team so remember when you're uploading documents uh inside of the teams area those are actually not necessarily yours you might have been the person that added them but they belong to the team and when others know uh edit those you will be able to see and hopefully i can get it to do it again the next time that you go into that document it will highlight what has changed it looks like there's nothing new here for me um but it won't oh yeah there we go you'll see that it highlights them here in blue and it has a little uh spark that tells me that there's something new there um but i'm not gonna get a notification unless that person who edited it lets me know um by commenting on it or something like that okay great and if i have a file megan wants to know if i've already got a file and i've been or i've been working on a document and i moved that into a folder is that going to break the link to the file where people not be able to find it how if i'm typing things up and moving them and categorizing will people be able to find them when they go looking for them yeah that's a good question um i think a lot of us went into teams not quite knowing that certainly not knowing we were going to have the year that we've had this year so now we might have a lot more documents in there than we were expecting if you do move a document into a folder there is a chance that some of your if you set it as a tab that may break you may have to set that back up but it's not going to remove anybody's access to that particular um document it's ever the access will remain the same because those folders are inside of here what i would recommend is that if you are using folders inside of a channel go ahead and set that up and let your team know before you do it if you've got a bunch already in there and as much as you can set that up prior to really heavily using teams because there could be some possibility of a document link breaking that's really helpful dennis wanted to know if anyone who's a member from your team can come in get into your documents and make edits because that could present an issue with information that you're wanting to restrict to yourself or to a smaller group so are there any types of restrictions or limitations to access that you could put on either a document or your files so that only you could have uh limited control as to who edits those yeah this is a question we get a lot and really relies on the office 365 suite as a whole as opposed to teams specifically documents that are stored in your onedrive are always private by default so by default when you upload something to your onedrive space the only person that's going to be able to access that file and edit it in any way is you um in the teams area and the team's channels in particular the default is going to be that anybody in the team can edit the document so if you wanted something to stay private or maybe you wanted your team to only be able to view it for example you'd want to share it via onedrive as opposed to uploading it to your team the teams area is really designed for that collaboration first so it's going to make sure that everyone has edit access by default awesome that was really helpful jennifer wanted to know do you have to create a channel to collaborate with your team or with one another or is it possible to do any kind of collaboration through chat by just submitting a document through that messaging app yes definitely and i will actually do a quick demo of that since i have another file that i did prepare to use for this so this was our agenda from last week's team's tips i'll go ahead and upload that into my chat with jake here you can send that on to him and again the same thing it should give him edit access there as well and we can just do the same thing that we did inside of that channel we'll open it up inside of teams and we're able to co-author there now the co-authoring experience is also available just inside of onedrive so if you decide you know i don't really want to use teams to share this file i don't want to use the team's interface you know a little bit limited you can actually share just inside of onedrive and share edit access and do co-authoring that way as well so yeah no team necessary if what you're working on doesn't um necessitate it a whole team set up then you can definitely do it inside of the chat area and you can see jake has joined me here again that's awesome so we got one tricky question so that i was that i was going to address as well nancy wants to know since we're talking about forms and we have a session coming up on forms will forms replace qualtrics and just a preface these sessions are all about microsoft teams and what integrates and works with and can help you supplement your work through microsoft teams so that doesn't say uh that isn't meant to say that qualtrics won't be used in the future just that microsoft forms connects really well with microsoft teams so if you're looking to do your work in one place then that's that's an option for you um rather than having to jump jump back and forth between platforms brian did you have anything else you wanted to add on the qualtrics question no i think the two the only thing i'll add there i guess is that the two platforms are very different team forms if you're looking for something very simple easy to use you don't have to do a lot of training to understand how it works microsoft forms is definitely worth a look um i i don't know any information on the future of qualtrics at utv to share so fantastic and anyone that knows me knows i'm a microsoft forms fan it's very easy to use tool it's already paid for within the microsoft platform so might as well maximize its usage and it's customizable to coordinate with your events if you registered for today that was a microsoft form that you are using as opposed to qualtrics it's just my personal preference but it does really work well within teams and okay brian barbie wants to know if you share a file in chat it is private between just those chat members nobody else is able to access that file is that correct that's correct yeah so that file will be shared only with the folks that are in that chat and it's by the by default uh functionality is that those folks have to log in so even if the link got sent to someone else um they would not be able to access it good question okay and i think we're down to our last question which you can determine whether or not we have time for this particular thing but sabrina said that she saw adobe sign as an app and didn't know if you could show us how that would work that i know we've already had a session on apps that may not apply necessarily to collaborate but if you if you feel like it applies let us know and otherwise we can continue on with your presentation yeah i will address it because it is a question we get often and then i'll move forward i cannot demo it because the university does not have a license for adobe sign so it is an integration that is on inside of teams but if you were to log in and try to log into it it would tell you that you're not licensed for it so unfortunately adobe sign is not part of our current licensing agreement with adobe um but that could change in the future but good question so with that i'm going to move along here and talk a little bit about planner now we could do a whole training session just on planner um so today we're going to just start with the basics now planner you'll see is available here as a tab you also can access it over here on the left rail um with these three dots and just look up planner you can see i've pinned it here to the side but we're gonna you know keep going with what we were doing and we're gonna add another tab so i'm gonna add planner now when i click on uh planner you'll see that it's going to in just a moment give me a couple options now if i already had a plan set up in the planner interface i could pick from that it looks like actually there was one already created but you know i want to create a new plan so i'm going to just go ahead and do that here we'll do secret plans and again i have the option to post to the channel and what's important to note about planner and we get this question a lot is that plans must have a microsoft team that they're linked to that you can't just create a plan that's standalone there is a functionality called to do that's available if you've moved your if your email has been moved to the cloud um and that'll be throughout the rest of this year we're rolling out everybody's being moved to the cloud you'll have access to that it's very similar to this it's just for your personal list so you're able to do that but you'll see that with planner here i'm able to take a look in my tab i've got that secret plans tab and again this is going to be real time collaboration so amanda and jake are able to come in here and they're able to add tasks and you'll see that someone actually already did that here and that's all happening in real time now this tool is invaluable if you're doing project management um you know like project management or even just your team has a lot going on and sometimes stuff gets lost um we've used this in the past at the help desk to just keep track of hey this isn't something that necessarily needs to happen right now like it's you know we're not someone's not waiting for us on it but it's something that's going to improve our user experience we'll throw it here in planner so that we're able to keep track of that we don't you know lose that um so you'll see that when i go here i haven't prompted to add a new task i'm going to go ahead and do that so i'm going to click on add a task it's going to prompt me here with a little card so i'm going to go ahead and do this and do a create demo when i do this i have the option to set a due date this is really important if something has is a little bit more time sensitive i'm going to set this one to next friday and i actually can then go ahead and assign it which is another great tool especially if maybe you have you manage a team or you know your team has maybe specific folks on it that are that are trained in specific things that you know who's going to work it i'm going to go ahead and assign this one to jake you'll notice this list here is the folks that are inside of your team so you they have to be able to be in your team before they can see this and now i click add task you'll notice it created that it's got that date listed there and then jake's name on it as well now if i open this up in the full editor for this task i have a few more options you'll notice that jake is actually changing the progress that happened in real time and he was able to update it to in progress meaning he started work on it um i also can change the priority of this if i could set it too important if i wanted to i also can create a checklist if i had specific subtasks that i wanted him to do and again all of this is happening we're all collaborating in real time jake just changed it to low he must disagree with me on the powerpoint um but we're able to collaborate in real time there's no more back and forth there's no more you know one person has to keep up with your list of tasks for your team um and you all have to update them or something like that you can do everything in here in real time you'll also see that we've got right now we only have our default to do which is a bucket um buckets allow you to help organize these tasks and so i can add another bucket of maybe uh communications so these could be things that we do that we're communicating out to others you can title your buckets whatever you'd like you can create as many of them as you'd like and keep uh doing your tasks here um and adding as many of those as you'd like as well and so this is another great uh tool again we could talk for a full hour about a planner but we we do have some tutorials linked on our office 365 page off the help desk site if you're interested in kind of getting a more in-depth version of planner but a great way to collaborate with others on your team and so the last thing i'm going to show today is we're going to talk a little bit about screen sharing and kind of and calling inside of teams so if you have been moved to team's voice you're probably very familiar with calling but even if you're not you've probably relied on teams calling or screen sharing at one time or another we're going to just demo that today because it's such a critical part of collaboration especially when you're not able to meet face to face so i'm going to send jake a message here jake this will look familiar because i send this to you probably a couple times a day asking if you've got some time for me so let's see let's wait for jake sure great okay so now i'm going to go ahead make a call now once i'm in a call with jake he's going to be able to um hear me if i have a webcam available i'm going to be able to video chat with him but one of the most critical things that we use um when we're collaborating in the help desk area is our screen sharing and so you'll see this is the new teams meeting interface um this is something you can turn off in settings if you prefer the old meeting interface but just like to mention that because you'll notice it looks a little bit different if you haven't done a meeting in a while up here in the top right corner you'll see the option to open the share tray if you do that you're going to see all of your options that you're used to if you've done a teams meeting you can share a powerpoint this way but i'm going to actually go ahead and just share one of my windows so i have the option to either share my whole desktop or share one of my windows another critical piece of this that we've used in our training of new staff at the help desk is the ability to include system audio so this actually allows you to share what you're seeing and what you're hearing so you know in our case our agents might be taking phone calls they want the other person to be able to hear the call that they're taking they use this include system audio function uh one thing i'll mention on that just because we hear about it a lot is this is not yet available on a mac it'll be available on the mac near the end of this year um but i'm not going to do that this time i don't have anything for jake to listen to but i'm going to just share my microsoft forms menu here so you'll notice it's got this red bar around what i am currently sharing and jake is actually able to uh see and interact or see what i am screen sharing right now um but that's not the only thing he can do um jake can actually request control uh he's a little bit ahead of me um and you'll see it pops up here and says jake wants to uh control what i have on my computer um if i click allow there teams has this great ability where it actually will show both of our cursors at the same time um and it'll show our photo next to that so you'll see i can see where jake is at because i can see his profile image there and at any time of course i could come down here and i could end the call if i wanted to do that but a great tool that you can use the screen sharing and the control that allows you to show the other person what you're what you're working on um another thing that i'll mention and we won't we don't have time to show it today but this is also available on mobile clients so if you're seeing something maybe on your phone that you want to share with another person you actually can share your iphone screen or your ipad screen with another person through the team's mobile apps that's a great tool that we've started using at the help desk when folks uh are having trouble with their iphones or ipads so that's about it for our uh team's collaboration but i'm going to pause again and i bet there are some questions amanda i am absolutely shocked there are no questions in the queue right now so i'm going to do a quick last call if i know we've got um we've reached our time officially so if there are any questions go ahead and start typing them and i'll be wrapping us up and we'll keep an eye on that just in case anything comes through so brian i'm going to start sharing there we go so i'm sure all of you could recite this by now but if you don't already follow us at utd infotech all of our social media platforms are listed under there that is our way of keeping connected and keeping you informed on the latest features that are coming out uh microsoft we just got announcement this week of 25 i think brand new features that are coming out soon and we want to keep you informed we want you to have the latest knowledge i did have one other question um oh dennis says why did brian's cursor say th a very astute observation this is a test account so normally it would have my face but this is a testing account so great job dennis is always there to keep us keep us honest um so i did have one clarification that came up somebody was asking if we could just distinguish the difference between teams live and a team's meeting very briefly a teams live is what we're doing currently so the participants are muted there's no video that way we have complete control over the screens and what you're being able to see it's automatically recorded so that we can send it out afterwards a team's meeting allows for everyone's video to come on and to have that interaction and because this is a session where we want you to be focused on the information we're sharing with you we have chosen to do it as a live event to provide that information just directly to you to avoid the interruptions of having people come on and off screen so i hope that helps clarify and just finally if you don't already know how to contact us our email address is assist ut i want you to remember that that we are here to help you are all awesome we're in this together so if there is any way that we can assist you please reach out because we truly want to be able to be there to support you at this time we'll be sending out a survey a little bit after this let us know how you feel that we're doing with keeping you informed and keeping you aware of all of the features within teams so that you can do your job to the best of your ability thank you all so much and i look forward to seeing you at our next team tips at 2.
hello everyone and welcome thank you so much for joining today's session on mining accessible content i'm amanda pritchard and i am joined with carrie tate and we've got some great information to share with you today i did just want to call out that we are recording so you'll notice that unlike in a teams live event this is a little bit different we're doing this as a teams webinar so your cameras and your microphones are muted we do have the chat open we'll be posting announcements in there shortly with information about resources that we're sharing today as well as where this recording will be located so you'll have access to all of that should you need live captionings you can enable that if you select the three dots at the very top of your screen in teams you can select to have live captions turned on and then we'll have transcriptions on and sent out after the event today as well so i i love that video in minecraft because it just shows uh how beautiful it is when you design a world that is synchronized and that just comes together seamlessly and i know that that particular video took a long time to develop and a long time to create and to build but once it did it was such a unique experience and an inclusive experience and i hope that that's something that we can strive to create and to build at ut dallas as well with the content that we're creating and cultivating and sharing so we want to build that reputation as a positive place that promotes equity and inclusion and one of the ways we can do that is through technology and the technology that that leverages that access to information for everyone that engages with it i went ahead i've asked kerry tate to come and set the stage for us today because she's the director of accessibility at ut dallas and she does this incredible work every single day helping our students and our staff and faculty ensure that they have access to information they need to be successful so here if you would just share with us a little bit as to why accessibility is even important thank you i appreciate you having me here today um i am so excited about us having this kind of training today and for one is that for a long time ago um if you go back even five years ago or even three years ago a lot of times there was not anything out there to make it easy for people to do accessibility for others and a lot of times we ended up having to do it in our office so um and what's so unique about this it allows everyone everything to be done up front instead of at the back end so now we're able to set everything up so that it becomes what we call the universal design is for everyone and a lot of people do not realize that when you do not make a an accessible um document or anything that you're making for what happens is if someone that is blind or someone with low vision is trying to use a screen reader it does not read it and so they end up having to rely on somebody to do it for him or to read it for him and the whole goal is for everybody to be independent and to be able to use everything without having any barriers so today amanda's going to show us some new techniques techniques that have been out there easy ways to do it and really it is amazing how simple it is so amanda show him your good work thank you yes absolutely we're going to jump in and you're going to leave today's session with the knowledge about microsoft tools and that way we can work on building that success for everyone regardless of their ability and the tools we're highlighting can help all of us build a better world so i'm going to go ahead and pull up my powerpoint i'm sharing it in a little bit different view today just because i do want you to be able to see certain things if you attended this session in the fall then we've got kind of a repeat of some of that information but if you're like me sometimes it takes a couple of times to get that information so let me pull it up here and i know it's not in full screen and i know that's going to stress some people out and it's going to be okay i promise i promise y'all it's going to look a little different today it's not like a normal a normal session okay i'm moving some things around maybe my team doesn't want to join me here okay um so i'm going to start at the beginning that usually is the best place to start we're going to go through some information here i'll go ahead and share a big screen for right now but we will be jumping back and forth with it um different different sizes so that you're kind of seeing a little bit behind the scenes because i do think that that is important when you're reviewing this content so i know that we do have our chat enabled now i'm going to ask magdalide if you could pull open our chat announcements please and let's go ahead and post some of the links that we will be referencing in today's session so that our audience can have that as well so i've already introduced myself i'm amanda pritchard i wanted to say the chat's open you may have already seen the slide so if you don't cheat if you're if you already saw it but can y'all put in the chat a guess as to how many people you feel in the united states identify identifies having a disability while we've got the chat open why don't you go ahead and post your answers it was on my slide so you may have already seen it and that's okay if you have but if you want to go ahead and post in there i think it's pretty interesting to see dennis gave a really good guess 40 percent the guess nice melissa i like it gender said 30 percent so we're getting some different numbers okay great well i'll go ahead and move on 52 okay so 26 of adults in the us identify as having some sort of disability those are the only the ones that are diagnosed and that actually do identify themselves with that so we could assume that that number is a little bit higher i highlight this because i think it's important for us to recognize that number around us so that we are optimizing all of our content and communications to reach that diverse population that does exist the more inclusive content gives people personalized access to understand that information so keep that in mind as we're going through the the session today okay raise hands you can use a little raised hands feature at the top this session gets to be a little bit more interactive because we're doing it as a teams webinar but if you'll use the raised hand feature if you've used accessibility checker before i'm going to see who's got their hands raised here just a few they're coming in okay okay so i've got only about four i'm going to go ahead and shrink this down oops i jumped ahead i'm going to shrink this down because i need to show it to you in powerpoint so that's the whole reason i'm demonstrating it here and thank you you can lower hands i'm going to demonstrate it here just so that you can see where this is accessibility checker is just like spell checker and i would assume that you have used spell check before and this is no different it should be used just as frequently as we use spell check to see what instances might be building some barriers to individuals from receiving and digesting our content so from here i put in the notes here you can go to the review tab and you'll see the little icon at the top left here that says check accessibility when i run this it's going to run through all of my slides all of my content and it's going to give me these individual warning signs here that let me know what might be missing um what we need to fix and when you click on it it'll tell you exactly only in this way it'll tell you exactly which slide um what the issue is and and it's divided up into different warnings and some of these i designed on purpose so that you would see what the issues were and great question is the uh checker available and all it's available in most of them i was checking it in one note and i didn't find it but it is it is available in uh word and some other documentation too a lot of these features that we're showing are applicable across platforms so anytime you're writing or designing content it you should be able to find it there sometimes it's a slightly different place i am going to navigate to word in a little bit after we do powerpoint and i'll show it to you there as well no matter what you can always always whenever you're in a microsoft product you can always search in the search boxes at the top if you're looking for something particular and you can find it there so don't be afraid to if you can't remember exactly where to navigate i know sometimes that's overwhelming but you're able to look and find it through that accessibility or the search you can find accessibility through that search as well so this will tell us the different things that are are wrong or that need attention and it will give us solutions too so this is a quick check that you can run and get those ideas right away i'm going to move on to alt text because that's one of the things that i wanted to highlight as well because you can see in some of these it's going to tell me suggested suggested alt text and it's going to tell me exactly which picture and which slide it has alt text missing so i wanted to highlight this too so automated alt text there's a little bit difference in alt text and then automated but first i want to clarify the why behind alt text because i think it's very easy to miss most people and need it for screen readers if i have a special system reading my screen it tells me a description of the image this is for anyone that's visually challenged but i want to extend that so that we're not just looking at it through that singular lens this is also if you are somewhere and you have low data on your phone if you're unable to download pictures you're able to go and to navigate there in alt text and just read what that picture is about so it's it's not i mean this is an accessibility to make sure everyone has access to what that picture is representing so to change the alt text which is what the screen would tell me is that this picture is about to change that you can select on the picture and you can right click the alt text so i'm going to bring it up it always brings it up in powerpoint it brings it up on the far right side as it does in word so these are all the same kind of shifts and changes that you would do in those platforms um dennis asked if it's available in browser and standalone apps it should yes it should be available in both there is something i'm showing you later that's not on a mac though but i'm ready so this is available should be available in both it's possible depending on the version too it's going to be located in different locations so that's why i always call out this search box if you can't immediately find it in the ribbon at top you can search for it and you should be able to find that there as well so the automated alt text here automated alt text is what it generates for you sometimes that description is sufficient but there's a lot of times where it's not sufficient enough the microsoft if you put in a picture and you're pulling from um internet it's going to try to generate that for you so that at least there's something right something better than nothing but it could be even better if you just navigate to alt text right click on that picture and you can put in a description so you can see here this is a auto-generated description it's a screenshot of a video game well yes it is but it's not just that it has two characters um looking over a cliff with a dog or wolf i'm not sure which minecraft creature that is um over overlooking that cliff as representative in minecraft so just think of ways that you could be descriptive and be able to demonstrate that and that just helps to provide that enhanced accessibility okay um i'm going to do a quick poll while we're well we're just thinking about this and i'd be curious to to hear from you all today what does accessibility mean to you so i've launched a poll you'll see it appear in teams it should pop up either in the chat or it's going to pop up and on your screen just kind of blocking me which is fine um but you can look there and go ahead and put in in one word what you feel accessibility means to you and spell check my poll so i've got we've i've got a couple answers coming in i'm loving it already first first response is kindness i see help inclusion transparent connection amazing responses i love this yeah what does accessibility mean to you and it means something different to all of us which is why it can be a little challenging to to describe it and to share it universal accepted people-oriented these are beautiful answers i love this equality inclusivity inclusion inclusive yes absolutely okay thank you so much for for answering that those are great responses and and great perspective to have on accessibility these are these are simple things that we all can do simple changes that we can all implement to be aware of how we can better serve others and make them more included and accessibility is not just for for it's not exclusive to somebody with a disability as i mentioned just with internet connection it can be as simple as that and a disability could be a permanent or temporary but it's making sure everybody has access okay raise hands if you've used immersive reader because it's one of my favorite things i've demoed it a few times but i'm always curious to see if you've used it before the use little raised hand feature i want to see who's used it i only have three i only have three okay all right some of you may have lost where the raised hand feature is i don't know but we're gonna okay so strong three it's a powerful three thank you three musketeers you can lower your hands now i'm gonna show this to you because it recently launched in powerpoint and powerpoint's one of my favorite things um as well so i'm going to go ahead and launch it here and i put in the slide just to describe you can select any text on a slide okay so we selected we're going to right click it and we're going to open an immersive reader all right so we're going to open this up an immersive reader it takes just a second to load so you should see the text that was on my slide is now enlarged on my screen and what's great about this it's not just for those with visual disabilities it's also it also reads it so any neurodiverse student anyone with a learning a new language that may not be as familiar anyone that doesn't know english as a first language this is a way to help break down what we're communicating in those slides so it can play for you it can play and it can read it out loud you can establish the voice settings as well as that volume and the speed so if somebody is struggling to digest content to be able to follow along this is a great way to help break that down in a bite-sized portion in addition you can change these text sizes whatever size you want immersive reader y'all if you haven't used it it is it's on all of the things so on sway on one onenote on word it's it's available in those things so that you can inform it's available and that's why it also performs it's available in all of those places so that you can get this content and even if it's just a heavy document that you maybe don't want to read you just want it spoken to you and that's an easier way for you to process information this is an alternative for you and you can see that you can change the fonts and then if you do if your eyes feel strained you can change those colors and then if you are a non-native speaker or if you are maybe in english than trying to to look up certain information it can highlight the different verbs or adjectives or nouns so that you understand the different parts of the text and let's see here it can also translate it for you so if you have if you happen to work with anyone maybe at a school that has a huge international population that needs to access and maybe doesn't understand exactly what it is you're asking on your form the form can be translated automatically for you into whatever language that you need to and so you can have that translated and just make that just another simplified option for them to get access to that information so that's a great tool and it is embedded in all those microsoft products which is so brilliant because they all synchronize just like that opening video to be able to get you that information so i think um based on how long we've been kind of remote or we've been doing these teams meetings we're all a little bit more familiar i would hope now with transcription i'm going to go ahead and pull up this next one and i'm going to i will make this one bigger just because i feel like that one's a little hard to see so let's start over okay remember this it was so long ago okay um i'm going to pull up this transcription because shout out to denison for helping me get this together today we were working on transcription and i just caught this little blurb from the transcript from our dry run yesterday because he brought up a brilliant point and i know i'm in the way i'll just go right to here bye he brought up a brilliant point that transcription is not just for in the meeting but it's also important for because it is that transcript if you missed something that i say and you have the transcript open which you can do in this meeting you can scroll back and re-read what i stated and get clarification on where to navigate on where immersive reader is or how to show that accessibility checker transcription is important not just if you are have a visual issue if you have if you're neurodiverse if you have some learning issues with reading and being able to receive that information it's great to have as record keeping as a way of note taking and reference making these are transcriptions are awesome to have whether or not you are recording the meeting you can always turn on transcriptions in a meeting and have a record of that transcript and have that as a reference for what happened in that meeting you don't have to have meeting minutes you don't have to have a full note taker because teams will do that for you and you have access to that content but it is important too for anyone that maybe missed a portion of the meeting it's making it more accessible to them i embed it to an audio file and just because i wanted to share that sometimes audio files and this will come up i'll escape out of here this will come up in the accessibility checker 2. you can embed audio files into powerpoint this one was just me recorded saying like and subscribe to our youtube channel which if you don't you can't um but it'll show up in the accessibility checker as well as having an issue because there's no captions here so just remember anytime you have anyone that has any kind of a hearing disability or hearing challenges that if you are going to embed anything audio try to make sure that it has closed captioning or transcriptions along with it so that they can follow along if the audio isn't coming through or if they just need to be able to read through that too okay and coral if we want to turn chat back on as people are having questions i don't mind if you want to do that real quick i am scanning ahead here okay next slide so i if you want to turn on the chat in just a second i want you to look at this slide and i did say i did some things wrong kind of also gave a hint in the body of the slide but what jumped down at you right now as the main problem with this slide again i did things wrong on purpose yeah i promise something's wrong others will just blame us in the chat what do you think is wrong with the slide yes the tiny green title yes the color contrast it's it's not only that font size it is that contrast color and i know so many of us right we have our favorite colors we have our favorite things um that that you can see and so when you're when you're looking at a title a title should be big enough it should be legible so let's go ahead and correct that real quick and it did show let's see in the accessibility checker it should it's been running a lot lately but it does show you know that the title slide everything is messed up so we can go in here and we can change the size because that is an issue right we'll just make that really big now we can change the color that color contrast makes all the difference in the world to be able to see and to be able to easily recognize that information so you're absolutely right while we're talking about color contrast is fun colors are fun i love colors i love all the bright happy things in this world but it's not always easy for somebody to see that information so just keep in mind when you're designing that color should not be the only way that when you're presenting information it shouldn't be the end all for how you're sharing that information you want to make sure that you describe it as either at the top or the right because because they may not recognize that color they may not see that color so when we're when we're creating content talking about content or sharing information use multiple clues and cues for how to get somewhere and i'm going to put in the and then thank you i think yes i think we got mary jo's question answered too you the three dots at the top you should be able to select that and show transcription i think it's very insightful especially for some of the higher the technical meetings to be able to scroll back and see what what they were talking about because it takes me a little bit longer to catch on um so i can just scroll up there and grab that information and and have that reinforcement so it should be up there as well so if you would like to follow along you can use that okay um so yes where was i going i got lost scroll um oh i was i meant to bring up in this transcription slide too um put in the chat whether you use headsets regularly or no headset headset or no headset i want to see who uses what mine is just like permanently attached to me i've gone to the grocery store with mine y'all i go to pick up it's really embarrassing um it just lives on me okay headset no headset i'm looking okay we've got a couple of no headsets yes has that there was like yes yes no headset okay this might this might blow your mind but especially if you're presenting and you're trying to communicate information a headset can be an accessibility feature right i know i know everyone's like wait what it can be because having that headset having your voice closer to the microphone for when we're doing like right now i'm doing the live transcription i'm doing live captioning having your voice closest to the microphone to be able to quickly and easily understand what you're saying to translate that to for doing different translations a headset can be an accessibility feature if you are presenting i highly recommend utilizing a headset if my voice was carrying over to my computer to try to get across what i'm you especially if you have an accent there could be some delays there could be some confusion it's not as easy for it to get that information across so yeah headset and then okay i know today we have disabled your cameras we've taken that joy away from you next question camera on camera off camera on camera off so now people are going to get scared of what their answer is because i just told you an accessibility one one big off in all caps depends on the meeting on most the time depends um and be sure yeah be sure the mic that your mic doesn't cover your mouth if you do have a mic all of our teams certified the poly devices should allow for your mouse to be visibly seen because that is a factor of lip reading which brings me to my next point um camera camera on is an accessibility feature i know i know it's this is just mind-blowing stuff having your camera on in general presentations or group meetings when you are trying to have that dialogue that back and forth having that camera on you can pick up on social emotional um physical clues right if somebody is just really upset all of that is making sure that you have access to understand what that person's needs are it also if anyone is liberating allows them to watch who is speaking to be able to identify them and to be able to lip read they can't do that if your camera is off so they're just just another thing to consider as we are trying to reach more people and do what's best for the whole population of ut dallas camera on can be just a simple little tip to make sure that you you're connecting to that audience in the way that they can receive that information okay so i'm making sure that i cover everything on color contrast i think i did increase the font size just making sure i don't miss anything because i get distracted okay so we'll we talked a little bit about the color contrast there too i was just going to mention on this one and i believe this way as much of eight percent of male population and point five percent of female population have some degree of color blindness so this brings us back to that point that you need to have that high contrast between colors and patterns so that people can view the material if if there's any kind of visual impairment including cataracts those high contrast seams make it much easier to see that information and have less eye strain so just be considering that especially if you're again if you're telling somebody to navigate to the red button that may not be received as easily by if you were to say from the top banner and the right hand corner it's a red button with an arrow pointing so it's just it's giving more words to what you're describing so that it's very clear um and relatable to those individuals that need that information okay perfect all right next slide and this one yeah this one's gonna be oh what i think i needed i i have to let me see if i can share again and um because i wanted to show one more note not that this one i don't want to play from the beginning i don't want to present live we're going to flash forward through these again reminisce a little bit i know what's up okay was doing this again wrong on purpose right wrong on purpose transitions between slides having those those random movements random animations can also be very difficult for accessibility purposes especially if you're neurologically diverse having to focus on so many things moving erratically can be very difficult for a person to to understand that pattern and to be able to follow along so if you do use transitions or animations use it very sparingly use it consistently and use it for a purpose it's that randomization that can be very confusing okay checking chat jumping okay perfect i'm just scanning okay i don't see any direct questions i sell comments which is great i love that y'all are talking okay i'm going to move on to meaningful hyperlinks yes i did it wrong on purpose and i hope that you can tell the one that's wrong versus the one that's correct i hope that that is evident um so meaningful hyperlinks saying click here i know that we think that that's an evident location of clicking that place however if you have any visual impairments or using a screen reader that's not helpful information to know where to click because they can't see where to click um so that's and it's also just not an action when you're using a screen reader having some sort of descriptive text learn more or providing that actual hyperlink is the most can be the most helpful so you'll see the one on the left this is the wrong i know shocking it's the wrong one so click here and you see it's embedded it's overlaid on top of an image it's hard to see there's the it just it's hard to see it it's hard to access it it's hard to understand even why you're wanting to click there versus i pulled this one off one of microsoft sites because i liked it versus this has a picture but you're not relying completely on the picture for that content it's it's just there if you want it it breaks it down by the topic it gives a synopsis of what you're going to be directed to and then it gives you that call to action of what step to take to get that information so this is a little bit different way i know than my mic a little bit different way than what i use sometimes um and so i need to get better at that as well but i thought this was such an insightful way to demonstrate how the hyperlinks are meaningful i'm going to pull it back to y'all for a second and do raised hands i'm curious how many um of y'all use utd links utd dot link and wait and let those hands go up for just a second here utb links okay got a couple not everybody though still not everybody looks like about eight so i'm just gonna uh drop this here too when we're creating meaningful hyperlinks for our content as a way as an accessibility feature you want to use something that's easy enough if a screen reader just imagine if it's being read out loud okay imagine your link is being read out loud so you want to use a link shortener utd links is is managed by ut dallas it utd advise it it's fun it's free um and and it's something that you can manage your links that way so if you did have a long like if you've done a live event then you know the live event links are long and cumbersome and ugly and if somebody had to read that out loud have mercy on them you want to simplify it by putting it in the utd link you could just say slash information right so consider consider having that as an option as a link shortener so that it's easier and then you could put it in here too and just say like utd link slash technology bar and have that information available to the audience and even a description as to where that link is taking them is very helpful so that it's clear as to where they're being redirected to and what for okay i have spent a lot of time in powerpoint i'm going to stop in powerpoint i'm going to just check this question um really quick okay dennis great point best not to repeat the same thing like saying learn more more than once on a page right you don't want to have that same consistent um information everywhere you're absolutely right and i use slides on our website as hyperlinks with the alt text indicating to click for more information so slides on the website i think i think we'd have to just take a look at those alt text and and be sure that that alt text references that full url so that there's not a action to click here that's what you want to avoid um and that url is descriptive and the information is descriptive as to why would i be navigating there what is it going to take me to so great question okay i'm going to put some pressure on y'all now um i'm going to let's see i'll launch another poll here i know this one this one's going to come up this one's a little bit more complicated so give you just a second to fill it out but which of the following are examples of barriers for people with visual disabilities we've talked a lot about visual disabilities take a look at the options and and pick you can pick multiple answers there are multiple answers so don't just pick one but if you want to take a look at that and i'll transition over here just a second okay i'm seeing some answers come in so options were text and images that cannot be resized or that lose information when they're resized so if you've ever seen a picture stretched down or information that's super stretched out you just can't read or understand what it's saying images that do not have equivalent text alternatives so that's the alt text that we talked about that that is a barrier if you put an image out there and you have no alt text describing it and that's important for those of us that manage social media as well you need to have an alt text if there's an image alt text should should be married to it at all times that is a barrier for somebody who's not able to see that image inconsistent and overly complicated slide transitions we talked about that that's very hard not only for visual but for learning differences to if you if you do already have cataracts or blur vision it's hard to see that video content that does not have text or audio alternatives is actually an audio uh barrier for somebody that has an auditory uh issue and then complex sentences that are difficult to read is a barrier too for for those that have neurological any kind of a challenge or difference there so all of these are barriers all of these are things that we need to break and to try to improve upon so great job y'all i know those were tough they were i took a quiz with that too and i was like man these are they're really hard okay so we're going to migrate from powerpoint we're jumping into word real quick with a couple of accessibility features in here i'm using my mic for this session so i won't be able to live demo this also it's acting up a little bit on me today which is usually what happens when you have to live demo technology um but i'll go ahead and share this with you just real quick if you have raise your hand have you used the dictate function in microsoft word you can use a little raised hand feature because i love this one too oh yeah i found a couple only two so last year i had surgery on my elbow and i couldn't type for like two months and i don't know about you all but maybe you can type one-handed my brain could not could not compute that so i relied extensively on dictate so i'm in microsoft word online because if you go to you can get all of these tools there you make sure that you have the latest information and it syncs so that everyone can collaborate on this document but you'll see up here i have the little dictate icon so you can select that down at the bottom it shows that it's trying to oh boy it's gonna get mad it's gonna get mad because my teams is using also my microphone right now so it's like wait stop um but when you have that clicked on it should be anything that you say should automatically come up on screen so just like voice to text if you're doing a text message and transcribing it there this works in word i would draft up all of my emails in word and then just copy and paste them into outlook i would draft up any of my things i needed on onenote by just using dictate and being able to copy and paste it wherever i needed it it's a great tool too if you if you do struggle with with writing a lot of times we can speak more easily than we can write this is a great tool to get those ideas and thoughts out especially if you have a learning difference so just be able to say them and then you can go back and edit whatever you need to do it's also great if you have elbow surgery and can't type but that just is to show you that there's a lot of uses that you can use you never know what you're going to need it for until you need it and then transcription also is available underneath the dictate option is this little icon here for transcribe and this one's kind of a fun one i don't use it as often as i should we'll do a new one i know you're mad at me i know so transcription is if you had feedback let's say you were looking at my document and you had specific feedback you wanted to give me you could start a recording here and it's recording me now by just starting the recording you could start a recording and give me feedback on you know great layout this a lot of information here thank you so much okay so you could save it it's uploading it to onedrive so you have that stored and it'll save just like your team's meeting recordings save and backup into onedrive this will save the recording of your audio and and you'll be able to then you can determine if you want to edit the document if that's easier for you just to give a verbal feedback than to type your responses just said option for a shortcut if you want to be able to get that audio it can add it to your document and then you can determine if you want the the text that you spoke so it can transcribe that or if you want the the speakers the time stamps and that audio file everything on there and you can embed it in your document so that let's say somebody from my team if denison was trying to give feedback i could come on here and then just listen to his voice as what needs to change what do i need to alter here so just a couple of fun tools to make things a little bit more accessible and just more simplified for you i i love it um i i use it a lot just not in this meeting because it doesn't work for me today uh the next thing i was gonna call your attention to is editor and yes i i spelled it wrong on purpose okay so editor you're probably very familiar with this but your editor can check on any spelling grammar and give you uh insights as to just your speech your speech in general so it can give you those very clear insights on what how you need to change or suggestions to improve your document so it's a bit more enhanced than just the spell checker that we're used to but you are able to go there and get some options okay i don't know where that came okay so predictive text predictive text helps you fill in the blank you've probably seen this in outlook okay if you've used outlook and you're typing a message to somebody let's see if it'll if it'll work for me um what i'm doing on the spot okay well it's not gonna work for me on the spot because it knows i'm doing a live demo but typically when you start typing and if it's a commonly used phrase or something that it's that it knows that people say a lot of then it's going to pull that up as a suggestion for you then you just can hit enter and move along so it's it's using that ai to kind of pre-fill your thoughts and have that suggested text there for you so you can fill out your document a little bit faster i promised i would get back to the alt text so alt text in word as well if you click on the image you'll see the banner at the top just changed i'm going to click off of it so you can watch that again when you click on the image the banner at the top is going to change and then you can see there you have the option to add alt text depending on the size i've zoomed in a little bit today just to make it easier to see depending on your size you might have to click the three dots at the top which stands for more information like microsoft's pot of gold you just dig down there and you're able to get more information but from here again everything comes on this right side panel anytime you're trying to edit anything in microsoft but from here you could add a description um a panda that is adorable add a little description there and that way your image is going to have alt text and you do want to make sure include that so that um anybody that has a screen reader is unable to download this image maybe they're just having terrible reception because there is spring break in the mountains or something and you want to see you want to be able to know what their what the picture is then you can do that on alt text as well i'm going to pause here so we went over a couple of things in word i'm going to pause here to see if there was any other questions i'm not seeing any i'm going to scan ahead my notes are refreshing um i think so the last thing that i was going to take you to is what i promised dennis that it is in windows 10 that i'll be showing the next thing to you the the final thing if you've noticed anybody noticed ray's hand have you noticed how big my mouse is and my cursor and then it's blue anybody notice that you do now see how big it is yeah um okay well two people noticed and they're okay that's good um but it is it's really really big and i do that on purpose so i'm going to uh pull up here um from my from my desktop looking at those settings here you could type in ease of access this is not the same as on a mac we are doing a recording and we're going to supplement this session with how to get there on a mac a mac has some of these features but it's not the same way to navigate there so this is um windows 10 just so everybody's aware so i want to make sure that that was clear so you there you can see ease of access is this whole control panel where you can make different um settings and and changes and it's going to of course pull up over here so i'll make it pull up over here so i'm going to go over these just real quick just so you can see and i don't know that i can immediately magnify this but i just want in general to show you the location of some of these items so for particularly for mouse pointer so if you watch here i can change the size of it i try to make it a little bit bigger especially for demos because if i'm trying to direct you to something i want to make sure that you can see it in addition you can change the color that color contrast again can help anybody with any kind of a visual difference or disability but from here you can change those items all everything in this [Music] ease of access is designed to help make content more accessible not just for you using the computer but also if you're presenting and sharing information so please do think of this as a two-way street that this is to help design it so that if you are sharing information what how would other people best receive that and be able to see that um if you haven't used high contrast colors i'm going to see if it'll do it well oh good it was fast you can immediately turn it on and off and then there's different high contrast themes too depending on what type of uh color or overlap you're trying to understand so i'm gonna there's and that you can pick from a couple of different themes here so you can see that that changed very quickly but that's a quick way to turn on your high contrast let's see if it'll go off as quickly okay great um and so you can change those colors there also audio this is important too if if you need mono auto audio you can turn this on if you uh need to turn both the left and right just to a singular input you're able to do that there to make those adjustments so that you can hear uh better if you need to adjust your system's volume that's also here closed captioning this is not the same as closed captioning teams but in general closed captioning on your screen you can change the way those captions the colors come in so if you see you can change it there you can change if you want it to just be a faded look how you're receiving this information so this is really important too if you work with students or co-workers who may be not familiar with these settings if you see anybody like squinting at their screen or trying to read something these are quick changes that you can do to help enhance so that they're able to see that better but you can change all of those effects on captioning there so yeah i think those were the main things that i wanted to show you and then mouse i guess it's really just the mouse pointer and there are additional settings that you can drill down too as well depending on how fast you want your cursor to move um and then or if you need it to track a little bit more slowly so you can see where you're going but these are all accessibility features that are already built into windows it just allows you to have a little bit better navigation and and movement there all right i'm going to jump back in the chat just to make sure this is already on it awesome okay i don't see any questions i'll put another poll up too as we're kind of finalizing our polls here what are ways to increase inclusion using technology so these are some questions that hopefully you've learned some some new options some new alternatives today i'll go ahead and stop sharing if i can find the right one to click i'm up like four times on my screen i'll stop sharing that and i'll give you a chance to answer but ways to increase inclusion using technology so to develop this and you can pick more than one again develop systems and structures that most interest you a foundation of routinely checking on with your group with assessments or questions promoting online communication through chats and through polls customizing your computing experience through that ease of access center asking your audience or students if there's ways to improve your content to ensure that they have access to that and then enable transcription only if you're recording a meeting which of these do you feel are some ways that you might be able to increase inclusion i'm filling it out too see if i get it right okay brilliant i'm seeing those results now um but yes asking questions doing assessment microsoft forms is actually an accessibility tool whether you realize that or not being able to have those quizzes polls like we do in this meeting surveys are all also an accessibility feature because the goal would be that you're asking that you're checking in that you're verifying that those people have information and can relate to it and ensure that they're able to follow along right asking if yes okay beautiful customizing your experience you need to be able to use your machine your devices to the best of your ability so customize it in a way that works for you you have that ability to do that and for transcription it's not just for recording a meeting it can be for any time use it make sure you have that backup file that's really helpful to have information on that okay i think i covered just about everything i'm going to give it just a second in case there's any questions um i did want to see a raised hand if anyone here has a class team which is a little bit different typically faculty members have a class team because there is an accessibility pointer in there that i could show real quick but i don't have any faculty no okay katrina deb all right coral if you are if you are on if you can go ahead and enable mike and tamara in case anybody has a last-minute question mesolite if you will go ahead and share our last slide because speaking of assessments and getting feedback uh we do welcome any information that you would like to share about today's session any um any information that you have or feedback in general on how we can do how we can improve we've got a copy of the qr code on the screen now where we also will have information in the chat so you can just click that link if you want to or it's survey if you would just like to hand type that in that gives you a couple of different options of ways to get to that information i'm not seeing any questions so i thank you all for attending and for for giving us this opportunity to have uh the discussion i believe coral that we get everybody unmuted yes i think so so you um i'll i'll go ahead and close with saying that oit is here to help if you ever need us please reach out we're always looking for ways to enhance our services and to better partner with our campus community i will stay on for just a couple more a minute in case you do want to unmute or if you have any additional questions we're here for you
hello and welcome everybody we are coming to you live from tech bar the best bar on campus um we are so excited to have you joining us today for today's team's tip on neurodiversity we're going to go ahead and get our slides pulled up i know i'm coming to you from a new space you're probably noticing a different background i promise i'm going to come back see that in just a moment but first i want to introduce you a little bit to our session today and what we will be talking about joy let's go ahead and do side by side here i am amanda pritchard i'm with the office of information technology and i am the microsoft 365 specialist it is my job to troubleshoot the technology that we support for you on campus in addition my side hustle is getting to offer these trainings to you we sit side by side and go through step by step learning a new technique and a new skill that can help elevate your understanding of the services we offer so next i want to talk a little bit about teams live because i know it's been a little bit before um since we've been done this before so a team's live event if this is your first time to join us just note that you do have the ability to pause and rewind the video so if you hover over the video feed right now you'll see a line at the bottom of your screen if there's any time that we're covering content that you don't understand or that you'd like a little further information about please take a moment and you can pause and and rewind there we do have closed captions enabled it's located at the bottom right of your screen so if you'd like to activate closed captioning you can use that now we also have set up in six different languages live translation to go along with today's session so you can see when underneath the closed captioning the bottom right of your screen what those languages are and then you can make that selection if there's a different language that you would like to follow along with i want to call your attention to the fact that we do have a moderated stat in a live event that's a little bit different than a team's meeting so the moderated chat allows you to submit questions to uh those that we have behind the scenes working at chat i've got soy behind the scenes as well as neil who are here and ready to answer those questions if you come in do you not see it pop in on that main chat feed but know that we are receiving them and responding as quickly as we can in fact we've gone ahead and we're dropping a link in the chat now i want to make sure that everyone's able to navigate there and to hover over that post in the chat there'll be an option for you to give a thumbs up if you don't mind go ahead and navigate there give us a thumbs up and that's just going to allow us to ensure that you're you're able to interact with our chat there okay awesome looks like that's going along well so next i told you i would talk a little bit more about tech bar and where i'm coming from today so i wanted to take a moment and just introduce tech bar uh so if we can go full screen please so tech bar opened as a soft launch on campus just last week so if you haven't been here yet you may not be familiar with us we're in the lower level of the student union and the tech bar was designed to bring technology to campus and have it available for for individuals to try out different services so currently in the tech bar today if you haven't heard of it already is the windows 11 launch we have a variety of students here hanging out in the tech bar with me that are trying windows 11. we have three desktop computers set up so if you're trying to determine if this is a technology you want to upgrade to this is your opportunity to come try it out in a safe space and we have technicians standing by ready to answer any of your questions that you may have about this technology we strive here in the office of embracing technology to provide you with information and resources so you feel equipped and capable of testing these items so let's go ahead and um because i gave you a little freedom oh i didn't mean to mention we have our grand opening scheduled in november so we'll send out emails and we'll send out communications until then we're doing soft launch activities but you'll be able to see that or see a little bit more in november so let's go ahead and go back we'll pull up those slides again and i'm going to turn this over in just a moment to um our guest speaker for today so while we're getting those pulled up in a side-by-side format we'll talk a little bit about the impact and the selection of today's events there we go today's event was strategically placed amongst many other events in the month of october this month is special for a myriad of reasons i've only posted three on the screen for you today it's national diversity week it's global diversity awareness month it's also disability employment awareness month and i know there's many more events that i couldn't fit on this slide but i wanted to talk to you about this and and tell you a little bit that each event each mission in october is under the same thread to allow us to collectively learn more about different groups and find ways that we can be more proactive in helping and connecting with others and that's what today's session was specifically designed for i'm going to go ahead and pull up a seat at the bar and and sit down and let neil take over with presenting today's session with neurodiversity and teaching us how our technical schools can help us to connect and collaborate with those with different cognitive differences so without further ado neil thank you so much for joining us and we look forward to hearing from you hi thank you very much amanda um yes we are about to get started here with our training on neurodiversity let me just go ahead and share my screen now so we'll be getting started here right now all right and i'll go ahead and minimize this just so that nobody else is seeing that so we should be in full view now are we seeing my screen at this time we are all right and i'll go ahead and get rid of this at the very top here all right so let's go ahead and get started so thank you once again amanda um so now that we will get started with the accessibility training within microsoft 365 once again please be sure to ask any questions as we go through the training we want to make sure you drive as much clarity as possible but let's go ahead and begin so for starters to really understand uh neurodiversity and really understand that there's so many different ways in which we different people receive different things it's very very crucial to have accessibility tools inside of the different kinds of technology that we use on a regular basis so what we're going to really take a dive into is how we've implemented that directly into the microsoft 365 experience alongside how we have directly implemented it into windows now as part of this training you will actually also happen to see windows 11 um because of the fact that that is what i will be teaching out of today but if you are using windows 10 you will see the same exact uh features and all the same exact capabilities um in in just about the same exact places as well in the same settings menus in places of that nature but this will be for those who are have wanted to take a good look at yeah at the operating system this will also be a good quick peek at windows 11 as well but uh as i was saying when it comes to that technology with the accessibility tools um we're going to be talking about it in windows we're going to be talking about it inside of microsoft 365 as well showing those features uh showing what kinds of features are available to make sure that that as many of us are able to utilize the system as possible and we will be demonstrating it um in really as many places as we can with with the time being allowed so as we go through here as we had said earlier our mission and our mission statement here at microsoft is to empower every person in every organization on the planet to achieve more now that's exactly what our products and services were designed for uh and it's designed for people of all abilities uh the more people who can utilize uh technology the better that technology becomes and the more possibilities for what that technology might become in the future because more minds are able to be placed in that technology or more more people are able to use that to to bring what's in their mind out into the real world so the more people who have their hands on that technology the more who can actually use that technology the better now when it comes to us utilizing windows windows being such uh such a wide range of uh like such such an encompassing tool for so many people in using it in so many different ways we really wanted to make sure that we had those capabilities built into windows itself so things like for instance being able to dial down those distractions myself i definitely have to say uh any ways that i can keep myself less distracted throughout the days uh the least distracted possible the better and when it comes to certain things like maybe certain kinds of animations and certain kinds of background images sometimes those things can distract certain people so there's the capability to disable those as well as doing things like for instance having text suggestions text suggestions help us much easier much easily um much in a much easier fashion find the different words that we might be looking for and when it comes to uh having to really just come through like like like to compose with a particular kind of uh of message that we're typing or if we are composing a uh a document having those text suggestions really helps then when it comes to reading uh reading comprehension comprehension using things like reading view uh to be able to to clear distracting content as well as things like for instance learning tools and alongside reading view and learning tools both of those together are both encompassed into what we call immersive reader as well which is a tool that you can utilize all throughout the microsoft 365 suite that allows you to customize the way that the content that is being sent to you or that that you are reading is presented so things like for instance making text bigger uh even being able to indicate certain parts of that text in certain ways so that it's easier for people for people of all different kinds of backgrounds to understand exactly what it is that they're that they're reading different backgrounds different neural needs uh they will you will find that there are many tools inside of that immersive reader and we will be taking a dive into immersive reader in this training then also focus assist focus assist is something that i use on a regular basis uh as an individual who is highly distractible being able to have focus assist on making sure that it blocks those alerts so that i'm not distracted on a regular basis by certain things that are going on especially when you're when you know when you're active throughout various locations across the web on different platforms different applications that might be sending in notifications people trying to contact you that is the kind of thing that in some cases is exactly what you're looking for but sometimes when you're trying to focus it's not what you need so because of that there are tools just like focus assist and those kinds of tools carry along right over to the microsoft 365 suite when we're talking about things like learning tools being able to use that immersive reader once again you'll find that all across microsoft 365 word excel powerpoint uh onenote every one of the different solutions including teams as well microsoft teams being able to to take a message and convert it to immersive readers so that you can really understand it and break it down the way you need to and then as well being able to very easily utilize things like onedrive for those of us who might have a tendency to maybe not always keep track of our files in the best ways and make sure that we have the latest versions of our documents having cloud storage goes a long way and in terms of that functionality being able to even have things to help you stay organized even in outlook being able to flag your messages being able to customize uh or bridge the gap between onenote and outlook together so that you can keep track of certain things um even in your to-do list alongside um the various things that you're doing inside of outlook and then furthermore like i said utilizing word and powerpoint whenever you're trying to uh whenever you're trying to create content and when you're trying to deliver it um various ways in order to actually really utilize different parts of that system in order to uh in order to really get what you're trying to get done all right enough of these slides let's go ahead and jump into the into our demonstration so we'll go ahead and jump into our desktop environment so here we are inside of windows 10 or no pardon me we are inside of windows 11 and we are going to get started this is the very first mind you versed presentation that i'm doing inside of windows 11 so we are going to start with some of the different settings that you can set for yourself in order to uh really make things uh much more uh much more accommodating to your particular needs so we're gonna go down to the start menu right here which as you see is located in the center and we will go ahead over to the settings now there's a very important thing i want to point out about the settings in general now this is something that i think will help a lot of people who might have trouble with remembering where to find things there is something that you can almost always count on in today's versions of microsoft windows and that is the start menu so if we were to go down to the start menu whether you're on windows 11 and it's here in the center or if you've moved it over to this to the left side since you can do that for those of us who are familiar or if you're on windows 10 or previous version of windows and it is on the left side when you select it if you do not see what you're looking for i want i cannot stress this enough if you do not see what you're looking for and you're not sure where it is especially something like the settings menu imagine it wasn't here for a moment maybe i maybe if i if if it was not pinned or actually just pinned it instead i'll unpin it let's imagine it was not pinned here on the start menu the easiest way to find anything is via this search and i want to really point out that sure i can just click the search and just start typing right here to find what i'm looking for but the truth of the matter is i can also just hit the windows key and start typing so what i can do is just hit windows key on the on on the keyboard and then just start typing settings and here's the settings app however i want to point out what something even more useful especially when it comes to those of us who might not necessarily know where to find what we're looking for but we know what it is we're looking for especially when it comes to those settings something like for instance maybe i want to change the uh maybe if i have a certain form of color blindness and i need to change my color filters instead of going to the settings menu and looking for it i can actually just hit the windows key and type color filter there it is it's right there so you can also search for the setting specifically that you're looking for so if i wanted to in this case i'm just going to type accessibility if you notice there's a bunch of accessibility options that are here but the easiest way to find the entire list is ease of access oh and that looks like that might not have been so we'll go ahead and just go straight to the settings themselves and open up the entire settings menu now this settings menu the place where we're going to be looking is actually inside of the accessibility section right here now this accessibility section is the place where you will find all of the different kinds of settings that are available in order to change things to suit your needs so that includes various kinds of vision settings various kinds of hearing settings and interaction settings now the ones that we're going to pay close attention to for this neurodiversity training are going to be things like for instance if we find that we need to enable the narrator which you will see right here you can enable the narrator which allows you to which allows the system to narrate everything that you see i think hit exit and then it will no longer function so you can turn it on here and then you can adjust the settings inside of it you can also decide whether or not you want that narrator just to start right at sign in or after sign in so when you first log on to the computer if you're the only person who is using this computer you might want to use start narrator before sign in so that even at this the sign in screen you can have the narrator available or maybe if you're not the only person who uses the computer and only you use the narrator then that would be a reason to select after sign in that way it only applies to your login now another thing that a lot of people uh who probably need to be able to focus on various aspects of the application um another thing that you're able to do as well is you're able to adjust things like magnification now magnification in this case uh is being able to change the size of everything personally this is the exact size of everything that i prefer however depending on the needs of different people you can actually decide to add a magnifier if necessary now you can select this magnifier right here and now based on wherever i am it will zoom in on that particular area and it will follow my mouse in a smaller window and i'll go ahead and close it now you can decide how big that that zoom level is going to be as well so depending on what you need to have configured you can change that zoom level now one of the most useful things in this view that i really want to point out and this is actually something that i'm going to set for myself as i usually have it set this way for those of us who have a hard time keeping track of where we keep our pointer on the screen there is the capability to customize the mouse pointer now currently mine is set to the default this white you can actually set it to the inverse the black however my personal favorite is the third option the inverted and the reason why that is is no matter what you're on at what particular time it will be the absolute opposite color of that color so it doesn't matter where you are you will always see your mouse so this is the kind of thing that um that i personally love especially when you're using things like for instance if you're using microsoft office a lot you're using things like word excel powerpoint and if you're using the default themes it's a white theme usually and if you have a white cursor it's hard to sometimes find that cursor so luckily if you have this invert option on it will always be the opposite colors of whatever you currently are hovering over just like so and i will keep it this way for the remainder of this training as a matter of fact so i will go ahead and close this now for those of us who really like to make sure that certain things are where we need them for those of us who need to keep track of certain things for those of us who always need to be able to open that which we need to open that's a great reason in windows to keep certain certain things on the taskbar other other people like to just keep them inside of the start menu and the easiest way to do that is to take an icon or you right-click an icon and then you pin it so if you want to always be able to access a certain application you can either keep it inside of your start menu by going to all apps here scrolling down finding the app you're looking for right clicking it and then selecting pin in this case onenote is already pinned to my start menu so i'm not going to select that one but perhaps instead maybe i want to always be able to access paint 3d that's a great reason to pin it to the start so in terms of those things that you always want to access those things that for instance for those of us who might often lose that thing that we're always trying to access that's a great reason to pin it to the start to take that a step further maybe those applications you always have open all the time for some reason or another you might want to actually pin those to your start menu or to your taskbar down here so i will go ahead and pin it to my taskbar and that's what i have done here with the file explorer just like so all right now we mentioned a few other particular tools inside the slides things like for instance focus assist which you will find in the bottom right hand corner now focus assist like i said actually allows for you to be able to essentially quiet down the notifications that you are receiving and it is indicated by this moon symbol so anywhere you see this moon symbol that is where you can decide to enable focus assist now if i was to select the icons just to the left of the date and time that's where you will find that focus assist once once more so this is focus assist when it's not turned on it's usually looking like this however when you enable it you can decide only priority messages only alarms only so only when you're receiving alarms um say for instance if you set certain timers or things of that nature um then that's all you will receive and then off so that is this is currently one of the shortcuts i have on this menu right here which you can customize via the little edit quick settings option which allows you to add more or remove them if necessary so this is one of the ones that i have set is focus assist but remember if you go to the right uh the date and time right here which is also where your notifications are at the very top this is where you'll see your focus assist settings and then this is the place where you'll see that list of all the different kinds of options for focus assist you'll also even find automatic rules so for those of us who really like to have our focus assist on at certain times but we don't want to we might not always be we might not always remember uh to always turn it on that's a good reason to have it automated for you where you have it automatically turn on between say for instance in this case from 11 pm to 7 am which i will go ahead and enable all right so those are various tools that you have inside of windows itself now we're going to jump into a couple of a couple more examples as we go forward i do want to quickly pause and see if we have any questions so far neil i don't know any in the chat that have not already been answered all right excellent so we'll go ahead and take a quick sip of water right here all right and then we'll continue on so let's go ahead and open up our start menu one more time and we're gonna go ahead and open up microsoft edge and here we are inside of microsoft edge now when it comes to the functionality that i'm going to show you next microsoft edge as well as various other aspects of the applique of the operating system and the 365 suite uh have some capabilities with them that allow you to really utilize um allow you to really do like different kinds of things utilize that that uh that neurodiversity training or that neurodiversity system whenever you need to now what we're going to do is we're going to look up something we're going to look up a particular article for instance let's go ahead and look up the article on mars so we're going to look up mars there's a couple of different things inside of this search let's just look at the page on mars now if you notice here we're inside of this page and there's a lot to see here they've definitely made this uh page look quite impressive however it might not necessarily always be the easiest way to focus because there's so many things on this page so maybe what we need to do is we need to adjust this page so that we can focus on what it's trying to say so that's what we're going to do we're going to utilize the immersive reader now there's a couple of different ways to utilize the immersive reader you can you can utilize it via a right click which is what i just did i just right clicked it and then i select open an immersive reader which by the way also has a shortcut it's f9 so if you ever want to use it it's f9 in in an application as well but then at the same time you'll also find that if the application if edge thinks that um that this it'll try to study this particular page and try to figure out if it can use immersive reader quite well on it and if so you will see this icon up in the top right hand right here that looks like enter immersive reader so that's the other option that you see here so that's what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and select enter immersive reader and this is what we get now we're currently inside of immersive reader from this view right here there are various things that we can do now currently we haven't enabled any of those things but they're all inside of these different tools up at the very top so i'll show you some of them the first ones i really want to show you are the reading preferences now they're the ones in the on the right most side here so if i select reading preferences what you'll find is that i can do things like line focus which allows for me to focus specifically line by line or i can decide that i want it to be every three lines i can also adjust it to every five lines furthermore another very useful feature on in this reading preferences section is picture dictionary now this is the kind of setting that i think is especially very useful for people and i'm not saying these are the only people who it's useful for but especially for people who english is not their first language or if the language that they're reading is not their first language in general because i've found that even utilizing immersive reader is very useful for people who are trying to learn other languages as well considering the fact that it supports many different languages utilizing the translation system so if i wanted to go ahead and and turn all of this text into another language say for instance uh korean maybe i want to work on my hangul and i want to translate the entire page then i can do so and that's actually a great time for when picture dictionary comes into play because if i have this enabled and i select a word then it will try its best to use an image to describe that word this is a helicopter so this word means helicopter so if it knows what the word is it will give you this little uh it'll give you this little um kind of like this magic wand and now you see i believe this word is orbit because it's talking about going around a planet or going around the solar system and both of these things describe orbiting so this is the kind of thing that i think really helps uh this tool helps people who are trying to better understand words and i think especially one of the first things that came to mind for me was i was studying other languages and maybe coming across a word and you're not sure what that word means you might understand what the picture is that they are describing it with so i can do this with many with many languages i can switch it to another language just uh i can switch it to italian so if i want to work on on my italian this might be a good reason to switch the language one more time and i'm currently set to translate entire page however if i have it set to just the individual or if i don't have the set i can just select a certain word and then i can see instead ah yes i do have to have translate the entire page just for specifically for um for edge but in some applications you also can utilize it on a word for word basis where you have uh translate selected but then you can you can actually just select individual words and it will translate just that word and then we will go ahead and switch it back well it's already back in english and now we will talk about some of the various grammar tools now for those of us and this is once again another one of those things that helps with language skills and language comprehension and understanding pronunciation with grammar so things like breaking up words into syllables that's something that we can also do here so if we wanted to break up the words into syllables we can do so and we even can indicate what parts of speech each kind of word is so i can decide to highlight all the nouns as purple i can highlight all the verbs as red all the adjectives is green the adverbs as orange and from here what you'll also find is that i can customize these these colors as well so you don't have to use the ones that they have set you can customize them yourself and if you forget which ones you have set that's okay as well because you can go ahead and select show labels and it will show you exactly what kind of word they are all right so these are your your grammar tools available to you alongside that one of the most useful options is being able to uh select your um your text preferences so if you find that you want to make the words bigger that might help for a lot of people that does help so making the words bigger definitely helps then text spacing adding space between the letters very very useful so you can you can add space between the letters and then you also can change the font now we might be familiar with calibri because calibri is um is actually a font style that is very common in for instance microsoft word it's been there for and actually all throughout the office suite it's been there for for decades however this one many people might not be familiar with this one this one's called sitka sitka was actually created to help with individuals and and different kinds of folks who were dealing with the effects of dyslexia so sitka is one of the options that is available here makes some of the different letters a little bit different from each other and so that is why that is an option here and then there's comic sense because why not comic sentence it's been around so long many of us will recognize comic sans very natural way of of or an almost natural way of viewing handwriting so now if we go even further down and we'll move it back to sitka now if we move even further down in the list you will see once again text column style so i can change the the way that these columns look so if i wanted to make different size columns i could do that increasing or decreasing the column and then there's page themes and page themes we have found comes comes in handy especially for many different people once many different people want to read on a different kind of background this is a very natural background that you see right here it's a sepia theme so it's uh it almost looks like natural paper it's easier for some people to read this way others might find that they might like a dark theme when they read they might like a black background with white words that's also just fine some people might want a dark gray background with light gray words that's also just fine and all of these things are options and you will find that we have an entire variety of different colors maybe not quite as many as you will find in that 64 box of crayola crayons but still quite a bit and then i'll go ahead and set it back to the way i usually like it actually you know what i think i'm going to keep that gray i found that i like that a bit more and that's what it's that's what uh that's what the immersive reader is all about finding the best way for you to receive the content that you're reading and then last but last but not least there is read aloud and i did just realize that i might not be sharing my audio part of me for that i do want to point out that this actually is a very nice uh translator it's not very it actually sounds pretty good um it's quite impressive to me the latest from mars mars is the fourth planet from the sun a dusty cold desert world with a very thin atmosphere now there's something very interesting um that i found just a certain effect when it comes to the voice selection there are many voices that you can select this is microsoft aria however i can switch the language um as or i can switch not only the language but i can switch the speaker and what i'll find is that when you switch the speaker but you don't switch the language it actually kind of speaks in the rules of the other languages it's it's very interesting but you can as far as the different voices um as far as the different voices if you were to switch the language maybe if i switched it to japanese and then switched to read aloud the latest from mars i didn't hit the mars is the i did not hit part of me i'll go ahead and once again reading preferences translate entire page read so we have we have support for many different languages as you see if we go all the way up and down this list there are quite a lot of translation systems and uh and um and a lot of narration systems and they sound quite natural in terms of how they speak compared to maybe the past so i did want to point that out as well all right any questions at this time anything that any uh is are there any questions inside of the q a that we can answer hey neil anthony here uh currently in the q a we don't have any questions that haven't already been answered but as always we definitely do encourage them so at any point throughout today's training if you feel like you need another clarification maybe another read demonstration don't hesitate to ask any q a we are here to support so feel free to use it that is all i have for my side neil thank you thank you very much anthony we will go ahead and continue from here then but if there are any questions at all definitely please post them inside that q a we really want to make sure that those questions are answered as we go forward all right so we're going to go ahead and close out of microsoft edge here all right so now we are back on the desktop the next thing that i really want to go into is the various functionalities of uh of some of the different um microsoft 365 applications different things that are available for you to help to help you compose to help you present um now i know that we only have about something like 15 minutes left so hopefully i can get these various functions available uh for you so the first one i really want to show you is actually in powerpoint um so what we're going to do is we're going to open up powerpoint and we're going to go ahead and switch the user and just give me one second here we're just going to make sure that we have it right in the right spot here we go so we're back here and what we're going to do is we're going to open up one of these documents here any particular document but i really want to show you exactly what tool is available especially for those of us who might who might not necessarily be able to or maybe we might have some issues with um with different kinds of uh maybe if we have different kinds of issues when it comes to print up to presentation many of us might need to adjust the way that we that we present and there is a capability a tool that's available inside of the system for that purpose for those of us who want to be able to present in the ways that we need to maybe there's a maybe we need a coach sometimes that's exactly something that we have available and pardon me i just it looks like there was some of my documents there were not uh we're not loading the right way but now we are good to go so what we have available here what i wanted to show you is something that we have looks like i'm also losing my mouse here for a moment let me just go ahead and [Music] give me one second there we go okay so here we are we're back and we're going to go ahead and talk about the way that we can um various tools that are available here inside of powerpoint to help with presenting so what we're going to do is we're going to select slideshow and what we're going to select is we're going to select rehearse with coach now what rehearsed with coach does is this is a really good way especially when you're trying to get ready to present you know it's the night before it's a couple it's a week before some people like to prepare way more in advance but we might have uh you know some anxiety with presenting maybe we're not used to presenting that's a great reason after you've created your your presentation to go ahead and use the rehearse with coach feature so what we have here i am in my slideshow as you see it's a report of research and development legal report report of research and okay so there's report and report um but what we're going to do is we're going to rehearse and the coach is going to pay attention to how we're talking uh pay attention to the different things that we're saying and it's going to give us some feedback so here we go report of research and development legal report hi welcome i am going to report to you the information that's in this report that isn't actually about anything now as i am speaking right now you may notice that it is listening to me in the bottom right hand however i want to point out what happens if um uh well try not to use too many fillers like um as you see that is one of the tools that it shows you if i continue on and i start speaking way too fast and it's probably going to be very hard for you to understand exactly what i'm saying while i'm speaking this fast i'm not really quite sure that it understands it will tell me to try speaking a bit slower now if i speak too slow it will also warn me about that as well now going through the different slides as i am speaking on different topics if i start saying permission to test xp 38 osha code verification boston laboratories updated safety regulations in international research labs and then i continue speaking and saying exactly what is on the slides it will try to tell me that i am try try to bury myself from what the slide actually says don't just read the slides because it knows what's written on the slides as well so if i start really talking and saying and just reciting exactly what's written it will point that out as well after going through all of the different slides and i have finished my report and i'm going all the way to the end it will then give me a rehearsal report and it will tell me how i did it will tell me how um how my pace was throughout the throughout the report it will tell me how much time i spent during the summary as well uh how many slides i rehearsed as well any kinds of fillers that i've been using and then any sort of repetitive language as well as well as different things in terms of pitch now these are things that we might not always be aware of however these are things that might be that might play a very big part in the way that people receive our presentation so because of that that's the reason why we created this some people are definitely uh i've definitely seen natural presenters before some people can just take any material and present it very well and for those people some sometimes it took practice other times it didn't and they just were able to do it and that's just that's just the way that different kinds of people that's neurodiversity that's the difference between different kinds of people some people can do that for those people who have trouble with that that's why this is here so we created this tool for those people who might need a little bit of extra help when it comes to presenting because presenting is a very big part of our professional lives at times but it might not necessarily be something that we're always prepared for so if this helps somebody out there i definitely hope it does so i'll go ahead and close this one at this time and we'll go ahead and first close out and it looks like i might have lost my mouse one more time go ahead and uh there we go okay so i'll go ahead and close up close out this screen and we'll go ahead and jump once again into word now inside of word what you'll find is that in the different kinds of documents that we're working on here and it looks like i might have some some things with some of my i think it might have just been because i just upgraded so i might have to just log into this account one more time sometimes that happens but um when you're working inside of word i did want to point out that just like when we were inside of edge the place where you will find immersive reader will be under view that's the same place uh this is it'll be under view in all of the office applications so you'll find it right here under view and i'll just for the purpose of and it looks like most of these files it's not going to let me open unfortunately but uh but here we go it will be under view that'll be the same with excel it'll be the same as well with uh onenote as well all right are there any other questions or is there anything on uh on the side of of ut uh that anything at utd that you guys have to uh to also provide input on or any questions at all that have shown in the q a no questions currently in this q a i love the content that you covered because it's all materials that i personally use myself just to make it easier to access and relate to content so there's no questions if there's anything else that you want to show us feel free um but i i don't have a good lead on anything that you missed i love the content that you covered excellent excellent um and uh anthony are there any particular things that um things that you wanted to go over at this time yes neil i did want to bring up one more thing uh in the q a chat you may have noticed i posted a survey link this is where you guys can provide us feedback on what you thought about today's training it will only take a few minutes of your time so we will greatly appreciate if everyone can fill that out for us it'd be like six questions long and the first three questions is like on a scale one to ten what do you think about the training so definitely fill that out for us it will be greatly appreciated that's all i have neil all right thank you very much anthony um i think the very last thing that i think i will go over we're gonna go ahead and just um we're gonna jump into teams and i think that'll be the last place that we will take a quick look here so if i jump into teams very quickly and i'm just going to quickly use the web client of teams there's a couple things i wanted to point out so here in teams uh there are actually the same functionalities as you find inside of office so for instance if i was to go into one of these channels i just wanted to point out and i'm gonna go to a much much larger post here so we'll look for a larger post yeah there's a bit more information inside of this post here so what we can do is we can select the ellipses on this post and what you'll find is things like translate as well as immersive reader now translate in this case translate actually is utilized um it will always translate to whatever language you're set to inside of teams so if you're set to english it will always translate to english however this was already english english english uh script so because of that it's not um it's not going to translate however if there was any information that was uh in another language you would automatically have it translated directly to whatever language you have set inside of your settings in teams so if we go to the settings in teams and we go down to under the general section here if we go down and we will see um language app language this setting right here whatever language you have set as the app language is what it will translate to so if somebody is uh if somebody has created a post in portuguese and you have uh your language set to english then it will translate it to english now another thing that i find very useful for many different people is the do not disturb setting for many people who might not be familiar the do not disturb setting actually has a secondary function beyond just indicating to others that your current statuses do not disturb do not disturb actually also withholds any notifications that you are being sent while you are working now this is along the same vein as focus assist is inside of windows when you're using do not disturb if anybody sends you a message if anybody's trying to call you or anything of that nature you will not receive that notification until you've changed your note your uh status to another so while you're under do not disturb uh people sending you messages you will not receive that notification because typically when you set yourself to do not disturb it's for the purpose of trying to focus now however i do want to point out one more thing that also has a secondary setting that you can set for yourself if there's certain individuals who you want to always be able to contact you even if you're in do not disturb and that is under privacy in the settings so if we go to the settings and we go to privacy what you'll find is here under privacy you will find do not disturb and the option priority access manage priority access if i select manage priority access then i can select certain individuals who will have priority access to be able to contact me even if i'm in do not disturb i will receive notifications from these individuals so as you see josh kennedy nick these individuals have the ability to contact me even when i'm in do not disturb and i will receive their notifications now these individuals might be the people who you might often be working with when you're in do not disturb so that might be a good reason to have them selected as individuals to uh to have priority access um another another type of person that usually ends up being in people's priority access might be their supervisors because some supervisors always want to be able to contact you but that's just another example but other than that um that was really the last bit of information that i have for today uh i'll just ask one more time were there any final questions that have shown up or were there any other final things that um that like any final words that anybody had to say before we closed i have a few things just to wrap us up neil that was great information i did want to put the caveat there that if you're on do not disturb and presenting so you can go ahead and put me on screen thank you but if you're on do not disturb and presenting and you have your boss accepted just to be sure that your your boss knows not to message you when you're presenting because that will come true so can we do the split screen please thank you um and neil i i love the products that you showed i we did have one question in the chat that i was going to go ahead and address because we do have you know mac users here as well and so we had a question as to does um does the things that you demonstrated today also happen on microsoft 365 are those available so i for me personally i use microsoft 365 um and to show my content and to show information i use that all of the microsoft products on office 365 as opposed to using the desktop version so anything that you saw neil doing with those accessibility features like in powerpoint the recorder i use that presenter coach all the time i think it's a great tool and that is available if you're using the version so we just wanted to make sure everyone had um access to some of those tools i'm also pretty sure they are also available on the mac version as well i'm like i'm i'm quite sure that they're also available there too yep okay great i hadn't i hadn't tested it personally so it's good to have that information well as we're wrapping up i know it's three o'clock we just wanted to share some of our upcoming events soy has those on screen they're also um in the q a chat there's a link to our slide so you can get the links there and finally we just wanted to wrap up with the next slide with sharing the details on our survey in addition to the microsoft survey if you wanted to want to give us any suggestions on future content or other information then you'll be able to share it there on that surveillance so thank you all for joining me signing off from that bar



Article ID: 769
Fri 4/8/22 11:48 AM
Fri 2/14/25 2:23 PM

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