Organize Planner


  1. Open your Microsoft Planner. 
  2. Select the Group plan of your choice. 
  3. On the upper right-hand corner, you will see the following drop-down header options Members, Filter and Group by Bucket.
    • Members – Shows who has access to your planner.
    • Filter – Allows one to filter down their tasks in various ways including Due date, Priority, Progress, Label, Bucket, & Assignment
    • Group Bucket – Allows you to choose how to organize your task.
      • This column header will vary depending on what is selected to organize by.

Planner main screen  

Group Bucket drop-down menu.                                                   

Note: Once you have filtered and or organized your tasks to your choice, Planner will continue to open within the elected settings until you choose a different setting. 
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Article ID: 1241
Thu 5/2/24 4:44 PM
Fri 5/3/24 9:03 AM

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