By default, Staff, Faculty and Students, including Student Workers, have access to the VPN. Other Department Sponsored Users, such as Guests and Contractors, require a request to access the VPN. The users sponsor, or another designated user in the department, should generally be the one to submit this request.
Guests and other users without VPN access will receive an error saying, "Matching client config not found".
- Navigate to the PaloAlto GlobalProtect VPN Service Page.
- Select Request Department Sponsored VPN Access.
- You will then be redirected to submit a Computer Access- IT Resource Request.
- Click Lookup and select the user who is needing the access > Next.

- Select the "Department of the User" > Next.
- On Step 3, select the appropriate:
Note: Leave the Sponsor of User and Usertype selections as they are if no changes are needed for the user or Service Level.
- Under IT Resources, select Add Resource(s) to User and add a justification for the request.
- Justification example: "Department Guest needing VPN access for research."

- Scroll through the page and select VPN.
- Provide additional information in the text box provided.
- If needing specific department VPN, list the VPN group along with the NetIDs:’ free form box, fill in the NetIDs needing access and which VPN group if a specific department access is needed.
Note: You will be told if the user has VPN access or not and provided a link to another page where you can search NetID's to determine if the users are able to access the VPN.
- Review your request, select start date for access and Submit.