will always have /site/ near the beginning of the URL.
will have a my.sharepoint.com near the beginning of its link.
Now that we can tell the difference between the two, here is how to read the URLs:
Links are the easy to read because they tend to be relatively short.
https://cometmail-my.sharepoint.com/personal/(users netid)_utdallas_edu/
The bolded part of the URL tells you whose OneDrive account it is.
(users netid)
The bolded end of the URL will tell you the file or folder location.
personal%2F{NetID}%5Futdallas%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FRecordings can be translated to personal/NetID/documents/recordings
OneDrive link
(Short Link + Fole Folder Location):
https://cometmail-my.sharepoint.com/personal/(users netid)_utdallas_edu/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2F{NetID}%5Futdallas%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FRecordings
Now that we can read a OneDrive URL, lets apply the same to the SharePoint URL:
Link shows
Websites name
The end of the URL is just like the OneDrive URL,
where it shows you the file or folder path.
Translates to = site/testteam269/documents/general/recordings