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Data Management and Technology Control Plans are used to document polices, processes, and controls required in the execution of research projects.

Job automation

Control Point of Sales solution for food resources on UTD's campus.

Event Wi-Fi or other Wi-Fi is available for planned events in order for guests to be granted easy wireless access on their devices for a limited time.

Teams Live Events is an extension of Teams meetings, enabling you to produce events for large online audiences with more control over video, audience interaction, and reporting. This service is designed to host multiple presenters sharing information with larger audiences in a lecture-based format.

High compliance environments are provided by the Office of Research and Innovation, The Information Security Office, and Office of Information Technology to provide secure computing and storage to research projects subject to NIST 800-171 or other federal regulations.

Departments who choose to purchase cellular communications equipment must be able to demonstrate a legitimate business or research need, beyond routine use.

This service offering outlines the process for requesting an exemption to a standard or policy from the Information Security Office.

Audiovisual equipment and technical support. Event Technology Support is responsible for audiovisual support for special events, video production and post-production.