Email Encryption

What Is It?

Email Encryption allows users to send encrypted emails to people inside or outside the organization. To view encrypted messages, recipients will receive a one-time passcode (guests), or UTD students, staff, and faculty can log in with their UTD credentials.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

Students, Faculty, Staff

Where Can I Get It?

To access this service, please use the resources linked on this page.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no cost for this service at this time.

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Related Articles (4)

This article provides instructions for installing Digital Certificates. Digital Certificates are used for email encryption and signing.
This article provides instructions on how to read and reply to encrypted emails.
This article provides a potential resolution when working with S/MIME Email Encryption.
When you need to protect the privacy of an email message, encrypt it. Encrypting an email message in Outlook means it's converted from readable plain text into scrambled ciphertext. To read an encrypted email, recipients must authenticate with their credentials or use a one-time passcode.