How to Develop SciENcv Biosketches


Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an online tool in the My NCBI platform which allows researchers to create funder specific biosketches.

To make the most use out of SciENcv, it is highly encouraged to link your account to 3rd party resources such as ORCID, NSF, eRACommons, etc. This creates a chain of information and will help you avoid re-entering the same information multitudes of times. 

Access SciENcv

  • Access SciENcv with an NCBI account either through the My NCBI sign-in page, or directly through the SciENcv info page
  • Alternatively, users can sign-in to My NCBI using an NIH, NSF, or eRA Commons login.
    • If you sign-in using a 3rd party log-in, it will automatically link your My NCBI account to the 3rd party account. 

Create an NCBI Account

  1. Navigate to NCBI Homepage and in the top right corner, click Sign in to NCBI.

  2. Scroll down and click Register for an NCBI account.

  3. You can now access SciENcv by scrolling down on the "My NCBI Dashboard" and finding the SciENcv widget.

Develop a Biosketch

Initial Setup

It is highly encouraged to develop a wholesome and up-to date list of citations in either My Bibliography or in ORCID. Linking your SciENcv account to ORCID, for example, provides a level of quality insurance that information is constant across multiple platforms. Don't have an ORCID account? Click here for more information. 

My Bibliography

Users can add citations into their biosketch from the My Bibliography section in the My NCBI platform. The My Bibliography section also feeds citations to eRA Commons.

  1. To add a citation, navigate to the "My Bibliography Dashboard" and click Manage my Bibliography.
  2.  Click the Add citations drop down and choose to add a citation from PubMed or Manually
  3. Note that My Bibliography and ORCID do not sync with each-other. To import information from an ORCID account to My Bibliography, you must export a BibTeX file from ORCID and import it into My Bibliography. 


  1. To add an ORCID, edit the user profile section and click Add your ORCID ID to this profile?.

  2. An ORCID window prompt will ask you to authorize the link. Verify and sign-in to ORCID using your NetID and password. 

eRA Commons

  1. To link an eRA Commons account, click on your profile name in the top right bar of the NCBI page. 
  2. Once selected, you will see account details and what accounts you have linked to. Click Change and search for eRA Commons. 
  3. Select eRA commons, and you will be navigated to sign-IN into eRA commons. Singing-in will establish the link.
  4. Alternatively, sign-in into NCBI using eRA Commons log-in credentials and follow the prompted My NCBI instructions. 

User Profile

Basic and standard biography information.

Create a Biosketch

  • Choose to create a Biosektch starting from blank, duplicate an existing one, or import information from an external account such as ORCID or eRA commons.
Note: Any written details are saved automatically.
  • Make public link to all citations.


  • Click on the Download PDF link in the upper or lower right corners of the biosketch.
  • If any changes need to be made to the biosketch, be sure to create them in the SciENcv platform instead of editing the PDF directly.
    • The PDF stores metadata which enables eRA commons, and potentially other 3rd parties, to easily import and pre-populate information into their platforms. 


  •  Why is my information from ORCID not importing into SciENcv?
  •  I've updated information in ORCID, why is it not updating in my Biosketch?
  •  Can my citations from My Bibliography import into ORCID?
  •  Can my citations from ORCID import into My Bibliography?

Additional Resources

SciENcv Helpdesk



Article ID: 1035
Mon 1/23/23 2:11 PM
Wed 3/15/23 2:12 PM

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