REDCap's Project Setup page contains several sections that allow for a variety of project customizations, including updating the project title, enabling surveys to be used in the project, enabling repeating instruments, setting project bookmarks, and more. This article will walk through each section in detail.
Project Setup
Getting to the Project Set Up Page

Main Project Settings

- To use surveys in this project click the "Enable" button (For more information on enabling surveys, review this article How to Enable Surveys in REDCap.)
- To use longitudinal data collection with defined events click the "Enable" button (For more information on longitudinal data collection, review this article REDCap Longitudinal Data Collection.)
- To use the MyCap participant-facing mobile app click the "Enable" button (For more information on MyCap, click the "Learn more about MyCap hyperlink in REDCap)
- To modify the project title, purpose, and project notes using the Modify project title, purpose, etc. button.
Design Your Data Collection Instruments & Enable Your Surveys

This section directs users to REDCap's instrument designer tools: Online Designer and Data Dictionary.
This section also includes links to learn more about the REDCap Instrument Library, Smart Variables, Piping, Action Tags, Field Embedding, and Special functions. (Knowledge base articles coming soon.)
Enable Optional Modules and Customizations

This section provides a variety of project-level customizations (like repeating instruments, randomization module, custom record IDs, etc.) that users can enable to tailor their project to their specific needs. Options found in this section will be discussed below.
Repeating Instruments
This REDCap feature enables the ability to repeat a data collection instrument or an entire event of instruments an unlimited number of times without having to specify the amount needed. This feature can be used with longitudinal projects as well. Some examples may include but are not limited to the following: data from multiple visits or observations, concomitant medications, adverse events, or repetitive surveys (daily, weekly, etc.). (For more information, click on the “?” to the right of this feature in REDCap or visit this artle: REDCap Repeating Instruments)
Auto-numbering for records
This option will remove the ability for users to name new records manually and will instead provide a link that will auto-generate a new unique record name, which will be numerical and will increment from the highest numerical record value in the project. If no records exist, it will begin with '1'. (Note: this is automatically enabled.)
Scheduling module (for longitudinal only)
This feature generates schedules for your project calendar that are auto-generated from project-defined events (e.g., visits, time-points). Scheduling is only available for projects using longitudinal data collection, therefore longitudinal data collection must be enabled before enabling this feature. (For more information, click on the “?” to the right of this feature in REDCap)
Randomization Module
The randomization module in REDCap assists in implementing a defined randomization model within the project, allowing automatic randomization of subjects (i.e., records in the project). In this module, the user first defines the randomization model with various parameters. Based on the defined parameters, the module creates a template allocation table, which the user can use to structure the randomization table the user will import. The module also monitors the overall allocation progress and assignment of randomized subjects. (For more information, click on the “?” to the right of this feature in REDCap)
Designated an email field for communications (including survey invitations and alerts)
When this feature is enabled, REDCap can direct specific email communications to the email address provided. This includes sending survey invitations, automated survey invitations, survey confirmation emails, and Alerts & Notifications. If a field is designated for that purpose, then any records in your project that have an email address captured for that designated field will have that email address show up as the participant's email address in the Participant List (unless an email address has already been entered for that participant in the Participant List directly). (For more information, click on the “?” to the right of this feature in REDCap)
Additional customizations
REDCap has an additional customizations page that contains several customization options including setting custom record labels, PDF customization settings, protected email mode and more. To view more information, visit this article: REDCap Project Setup - Additional Customizations.
Twilio SMS and Voice Call services for survey and alerts
REDCap has the capability to make voice calls and send SMS text messages for surveys and for Alerts & Notifications by using a third-party web service named Twilio ( This requires a Twilio account which is a cost-based service. For more information about utilization of this feature at UTD, contact the Office of Research Information Systems.
SendGrid Template email services for Alerts and Notifications
REDCap has the capability to use SendGrid Dynamic Templates for sending email-based Alerts & Notifications. SendGrid Templates give you significantly more control over the style and design of your emails when compared to the standard email alert type. Enabling this feature will give you another alert type to choose from on the Alerts & Notifications page called SendGrid Template. This feature requires an account with SendGrid and is a cost-based service. For more information about utilization of this feature at UTD, contact the Office of Research Information Systems.
Set Up Project Bookmarks (optional)

You may create custom bookmarks to web pages that exist inside or outside of REDCap. These links will be available on the left-hand panel and can be accessed by users who are given privileges to do so.
User Rights and Permissions

This section directs users to the User Rights and Data Access Group settings pages. To learn more about User Rights and Roles Best Practices, review this article: REDCap User Rights & Roles Best Practices
Test Your Project Thoroughly

This section serves as a reminder to throughout test the essential components of the project before moving it into production. Checking off this step is not required, however, it is highly encouraged.
Move Your Project to Production Status

This final section allows a user to (request to) move their project from Development Status to Production Status. To learn more about REDCap Project Status’, review this article: REDCap Project Status.
When users click "Move project to production" a survey pop-up will appear which asks the user to enter information which will be sent to the Office of Research and Innovation REDCap Team. The REDCap team will review the project and either move the project to production or reach out to the requestor if they have questions.