How to Assign Multiple Staff to an MS Booking


This article provides information on how Multiple staff can be assigned to a Booking service.


  1. Go to Bookings.
  2. Click on the Bookings page to which you would like the add a service.

Screenshot of the MS Bookings application highlighting an Bookings page

  1. Select the Services option on the left panel.

Image an bookings homepage highlighting the Services option

  1. Click on Add new service.

Image of the Services section of a bookings page highlighting Add new service button.

  1. In the Basic Details section, you add the details of the service being added.

Screenshot of the Add service pop-up highlighting the Basic details section

  1. Click on the Assign Staff option on the left panel.
Note: Anyone must be licensed. 

Image of the Add service pop-up highlighting the Assign staff button.

  1. You can now select the option to choose the Multiple Staff.

Screenshot of the Assign staff section highlighting the multiple staff option

Note: You can also Allow customers to see the names of the staff using the option below.
  1. Under the "Select Staff" panel, you can now choose the staff member to add to the service. The added staff member can be viewed under Assigned staff group.

Screenshot of the Assign staff option highlighting the Select staff section and Assigned Staff group

  1. Click on Save Changes.
  2. You can now view the Service created with multiple staff assigned under the "Staff" section.

Screenshot of the new service created highlighting the Staff section

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