Automatically-Provisioned Course Teams (Fall 2023)

An Office 365 group and Team will be created for each course section in Orion (including fully in-person sections). Cross-listed courses (in Orion) will appear as one merged Team. Courses merged by the instructor using the Merge Course Tool in eLearning will not be merged in Teams, and this is not available at this time. These Teams will begin to be provisioned and faculty as well as students will be added beginning Monday 8/14/2023. As students are enrolled to courses in Orion, they will be added by 9am the following day (updates run once a day, Monday-Saturday only).

Undergraduate Interns, enrolled students (including auditing students), and any other users in the eLearning course (including course coordinators) will be members of the Team. Any membership changes must be made in Orion or via the course support users process. For information on adding graduate TAs, visit the Registrar's Teaching Assistants page. For non-TAs, submit using the Registrar's Course Support Users process.

For more information on auto-provisioned course teams, visit the FAQ.


Article ID: 1136
Mon 8/14/23 4:08 PM
Mon 8/14/23 4:08 PM