CrashPlan (sometimes known as Code42) is a backup solution available to all UTD-owned computers. CrashPlan should not be used on personal computers.
Computer Rights and Management allows users to request changes to a UTD-issued computer, including admin access for one or more users, re-imaging of a computer, or setup of a newly purchased university computer.
Desktop and Mobile devices that users believe are infected with malware or viruses should be reported for follow up by Information Security Office or Desktop Support staff.
BitLocker Drive Encryption is a data protection feature that integrates with the operating system and addresses the threats of data theft or exposure from lost, stolen, or inappropriately decommissioned computers.
UTD-owned computer hardware diagnostics and repair, including warranty services, are provided by your department's desktop support group. Loaner computers are available for currently enrolled students or faculty with a current instructional assignment.
Departments who choose to purchase cellular communications equipment must be able to demonstrate a legitimate business or research need, beyond routine use.