My Recently Visited Services

Email at UT Dallas is provided by Microsoft Office 365 and is sometimes called “Exchange Online” email. Office 365 email is protected by Duo & modern authentication.

Galaxy Orion is a service to support admissions, enrollment, registration, orientation, financial aid, student accounts, and collections, advising, and career services.

Box is a cloud storage platform that is sometimes called CometSpace at UTD.


Duo is the university two-factor authentication method designed to add a second layer of security to your NetID account. Verifying your identity using a second factor, such as your phone or a security key, prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password.

Outlook is an application used to access email, calendar, and contacts. Email service at UT Dallas is provided by Microsoft Office 365, and is sometimes called “Exchange Online” email. Office 365 email is protected by Duo & modern authentication.

OnBase, the software suite from Hyland, is an enterprise system combining document imaging, workflow, and eForms with document management tools to capture, preserve, and deliver digital documents.

Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered productivity tool that leverages the power of large language models to boost productivity

Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams have hundreds of add-ins and integrations available from third party providers. OIT works closely with the Information Security Office (ISO) to vet requests for third party add-ins and then make them available to use with UT Dallas accounts.

eLearning is the university's platform for course-related materials, assignment submission, and assessments (quizzes/tests).

Support for eLearning is provided by the eLearning Helpdesk.

The GlobalProtect Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides secure access to restricted University data and resources using an off-campus computer through a secured Internet connection. In order to utilize VPN services, you must first be enrolled in Duo.

Microsoft Teams is a powerful team-based collaboration tool that provides group chat, channeled conversations, instant messaging, live document collaboration, audio or video calls, and meetings (from one-on-ones to fully-featured audio/video conferences).

CometPrint allows students, faculty, and staff to quickly and easily print to multiple locations on campus. You can print via email, print in a Computer Lab or by adding funds to your account.

Creative Cloud is a collection of 20+ desktop and mobile apps and services for photography, design, video, web, UX and more. The University of Texas at Dallas has entered into a license agreement with Adobe for site licensing of Adobe Creative Cloud.

OneDrive is a file hosting service and synchronization service operated by Microsoft as part of its suite of Microsoft 365 services.

The UTD Directory is a repository of information on students, faculty, staff, and guests with UTD accounts. Directory information is used in many systems at the university, including in a public-facing directory on the UTD website.

UT Dallas Windows computers can be set up to allow for remote access.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful slide show presentation program. The program uses slides to convey information rich in multimedia. It is a part of the Microsoft 365 suite.

UTD configures Virtual Machines to meet certain set of specifications. A virtual server provides users with a physical machine's storage and computing ability without the space, upkeep costs, and requirements. The advantage of Virtual Machines is that they can help the University maximize server utilization, thereby reducing hardware maintenance and facilities costs.

Profiles provides an easy to use index of all UT Dallas faculty

Carousel Digital Signage (formally known as Tightrope) is a digital signage software platform.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is part of the Microsoft 365 suite.

CrashPlan (sometimes known as Code42) is a backup solution available to all UTD-owned computers. CrashPlan should not be used on personal computers.

Please fill out this form if you are traveling with a UTD device on a personal international trip or if you visit any of the following locations on a personal international trip: China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, or Venezuela.

UT Dallas uses Microsoft Office 365’s Exchange Online Protection (EOP) to scan and quarantine suspected spam, phishing, and malicious messages before they reach your inbox.

The Office of Information Technology offers Windows OS software licenses to ensure campus IT departments access the necessary tools and applications they may need for their coursework.