REDCap Glossary

Term Definition Link to know more
Action Tags Action tags are special features that can be placed inside a field's Field Annotation that has a corresponding action that is performed for the field. There is a list of action tags examples and explanations within REDCap.  
Archiving Archiving a project takes the project offline and removes it from My Projects list. Archived projects can only be accessed by clicking Show Archived Projects at the bottom of the My Projects page and can be un-archived at any time  
Arms Arms are groups of events used for longitudinal studies. These can include different treatment groups and instruments.  
API The REDCap API (application programming interface) is used to communication between computer programs. REDCap uses API to communicate with external applications including electronic medical records, web-servers, and statistical software for importing and exporting data.  
Branching Logic Branching Logic allows you to make dynamic forms that change depending on participant choices. If branching logic is defined, a field will only be visible if the conditions provided are true.  
Codebook The Codebook is a read-only version of the project’s Data Dictionary and serves as a quick reference for viewing field attributes without having to download and interpret the Data Dictionary.  
Data Access Groups Data Access Groups (DAGs) allow you to restrict user access to a subset of data within the project. - Go to user rights page and click on the already assigned DAG to modify/assign to a DAG.  
Data Collection Instrument

REDCap uses “instrument” when referring to a data entry form. They can be designed to include how the data is captured, stored, displayed, distributed, and who has access

  • Click “Online Designer” to design the data collection instrument and enable various REDCap features.
REDCap Instrument Management
Data Comparison Tool Allows a user to compare two records in the project and displays a comparison table, showing the differences between the two records.  
Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary is a specifically formatted CSV file to upload and edit your data collection instruments and fields.  
Data Export Tool Allows a user to export data from REDCap into a file of their choice.  
Data Import Tool Allows a user to import data from a CSV or XML file into a REDCap project.  
Data Quality The Data Quality module allows a user to use pre-defined rules or write data quality rules to check for possible issues.  
Development Mode Development Mode is the default status of all newly created REDCap projects. Projects in Development are developing the design of data collection instruments and/or testing their instruments by entering mock data. REDCap Project Status
Draft Mode Draft Mode is a status in the Online Designer or Data Dictionary that a user must enter in order to make project changes in Production Mode  
eConsent Electronic consent in REDCap surveys.  
Events An event is an occurrence in a longitudinal project where data is captured using your data collection instruments. Events allow for the data collection instruments to be used multiple times for any given project. For example, if a study is collecting the Satisfaction Survey after every doctor’s visit, then each visit could be its own event in the REDCap project using the same instrument.  
Field A field captures a singular data entry, such as name and age. In the Online Designer or Data Dictionary, it defines what kind of data is collected.  
Field Type The type of question. REDCap has many types including a text box, calculation, dates, numbers, multiple choice, signature, etc.  
Field Label This will dictate what the user will see as the question.  
File Repository The file repository consists of all the data exports (and e-consent framework PDFs if enabled) that have been performed on your data set.  
Forms A form is used to enter record/data by a user on the project after logging in to REDCap.  
Form Status The form status is the status of a record’s data form completeness. Red is incomplete, yellow is unverified, and green is complete.  
Help & FAQ A page consisting of general FAQ’s and point of contact in case help is needed.  
Home The first field presented on the menu bar. The Home icon takes you to the main dashboard/homepage of the REDCap application. This provides information about REDCap and its features.  
Identifier Information that could lead to the identify of a participant. Per University’s policies, you are required to mark PII as identifiers in your projects.  
Inactive Status A project can be moved to inactive status if data collection is complete and disables most project functionality while the data remains accessible. The inactive project can be moved back to Production at any time.  
Instrument A form or survey created for capturing data for research or operational information. REDCap Instrument Management
Invite Participants Researchers can send invitations that include a survey link to potential participants of the project REDCap Automated Invitations
Logging The Logging page allows a user to view or export the entire audit trail for a project, and to filter the audit trail in various ways based upon the type of activity and/or user.  
Longitudinal Data Collection Longitudinal data collection allows instruments to be utilized repeatedly over a specific number of times. REDCap Longitudinal Data Collection
My Projects This page lists the REDCap projects that you created and/or have been given access to. You can organize your projects in folders on this page.  
New Project Allows creation of new projects. Create a New REDCap Project
Online Designer The Online Designer (also known as Designer) is where instruments, forms, survey queue and form display logic, ASIs can be managed REDCap Online Designer
Production Mode Production Mode is the status that a user will move the project to once the user is ready to collect real data. Project changes do not take effect immediately and require approval. REDCap Project Status
Randomization Randomization is a research process that assigns participants by chance into specific groups. The REDCap randomization module allows a user to implement a defined randomization model within the project. It is recommended to have a statistician for support.  
Raw (Coded) Value A raw value is a numerical or alphabetical value assigned to a multiple-choice text label. Each multiple-choice label must have an associated raw value: 1, blue 2, green 3, red  
Record A record is a set of information for a unique participant or subject.  
Record ID The Record ID is the unique identifier for each record in the project. This field must be the first field in the first instrument of your project. It cannot be moved or deleted but can be renamed.  
Record Status Dashboard The Record Status Dashboard shows all existing records and their associated form status. Users can use this dashboard to navigate to a record’s information.  
REDCap Research Electronic Data Capture About REDCap
REDCap Shared Library The REDCap Shared Library is a repository of REDCap data collection instruments that can be downloaded and used by researchers at REDCap partner institutions. REDCap Shared Library
Repeatable Events A repeatable event is an event that can be repeated as many times as needed during data entry.  
Repeatable Instruments A repeatable instrument is a data collection instrument that can be repeated as many times as needed during data entry. REDCap Repeating Instruments
Reports Reports are custom, dynamic tables in the REDCap project that you can build to view a subset of your data.  
Send-It Send-it allows the user to upload and data securely through REDCap.    
Scheduling The Scheduling module can generate schedules for your project calendar that are auto-generated from project-defined events and is only available for projects using longitudinal data collection  
Training Videos Showcases basic training videos on how to use REDCap  
User Rights The User Rights application is where the project creator defines the customized privileges that each project member has for project design, data entry, and data access. REDCap User Rights & Roles Best Practices
User Roles Within the user rights application, User Roles can be set up to provide multiple users the same level of access.  
Variable Name The variable name is the identifying name of the field that is stored in the REDCap database. This is how REDCap differentiates this question from any other question. It is not visible during data entry but can be seen when creating or editing fields within an instrument.  


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